July involved a lot of this...

...and this...
...with a little bit of sewing and wedding stuff thrown in!
Family: our house in Oklahoma is under contract and should close soon. We found a new place in Washington - renting this time - and will be moving in today. Well, the Dude and I. Our stuff might be here in a week. Let's just say it was NOT a good move for our stuff.
The Dude: got the award for muddiest at Cub Scouts camp. And he has the once-white t-shirt to prove it!
We stopped at Dinosaur and Craters of the Moon National Monuments on our way to Washington, and we all had a great time. The Dude especially loved the pteroglyphs at Dinosaur and the lava tube caves at Craters. I'll have a full post on that once I can use a computer that takes camera cards!
The cat: is already meeting with his new cancer vet in Spokane. Cancer is still in remission, but he is getting a feeding tube, as my 17 pound behemoth is now six pounds. :(
Adoption: well, let's just say the agency asked us to update the home study asap because travel may be in the near future. Which still could be a while.
Wedding: threw a very purple bridal shower in between all the moving and house hunting. And made sure I had a professional photographer around, so the photos are amazing! Full post on that soon, too. {Hey, I have nothing to do until the boxes are delivered!} I believe Lori is posting about it on Friday, if you want to see more.
Running: very little this month - just some sprints (ow) and a nice pre-shower run with Lori. In which we got lost in my parents' development, but managed the fastest 3.5 miles for either of us in the recent past.
Sewing: okay, this got to be a long update before I even got to the sewing!
Two quilt finishes - a second family t-shirt quilt, and a second really random quilt.
Finished the blues from, um, May, maybe? But that caught me up to the end of June on the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. Obviously my teal scraps were elsewhere this month.
{The following pictures were taken with hotel room lighting and a cell phone. Sorry.}
There was some shopping along the way, of course! I picked up everything but the neutral to make a quilt for my son's foster mother in Korea. The quilt is based on the "Road to Oklahoma" block {since we thought we'd be in Oklahoma when he came} so it seems appropriate that the fabric came from the road to Washington.
And I grabbed three pieces of Happy Go Lucky to finish off my little collection for Spin Cycle. Now I just need the neutrals {and time} to start that one!

And the biggie - my mother-in-law talked me into making this massive kit. The pattern has instructions to break it down into a BOM, so I will spend some time cutting and bagging it for that, in between unpacking. I've got just under two years before her 60th birthday!
So my four goals from last month? The two quilts are done, the move is...done-ish, and the sanity was gone by halfway through the month.
This month, I'd like to:
1. Move in/unpack.
2. Finish St. Paul's Cross. Yeah, I'm only two blocks in. No biggie. I'm sure I totally remember how to paper piece.
3. Start "H is for Henry."
4. Start the Road to OK/WA quilt.