
Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013 - In Review

I'm doing this a little backwards - since 2014 is already up and running. Oh well, here's 2013 anyway!

Not bad, huh? 21 quilt finishes, including five commissioned t-shirt quilts and six commissioned not-t-shirt quilts.

Of course, a lot of these were pieced or partially pieced in years past, and a couple are nothing more than borders on a panel, but a finish is a finish, right?

I also kinda sucked at naming quilts this year. Nine-Patch Snowballs? Really? Okay...

I also had some smaller finishes, and even added that to the blog header. They might be little, but they're something I did, and pillows ought to be celebrated. Especially Minecraft pillows.

Life had some ups and downs. 

My husband came home from a seven-month deployment, we went on a cruise, Lori and I qualified for Half Fanatics and set some personal records.

But my beloved lap cat died, we had a rough move from Oklahoma to Washington State, and our house sale...well, it sold.

In addition, our adoption stalled when Korea halted all international adoptions for about six months. Now that we've finally been submitted to court, it's hard not to be bitter that we would have had him for at least Christmas, if not his second birthday, if it weren't for that stoppage and a couple snags with the move.

Bright spots at the end of the year include my sister's wedding, learning how to long-arm quilt, and for the Dude, CC the kitten. Tycho and I are still not huge fans of the kitten.

So, we're hoping 2014 will be a little better as we finally settle into our home, bring the Little Man home, work through the FIZes, run some races, and convince the kitten to stop acting like a kitten.


  1. What a lot of stuff went on in your year! I don't think it matters that 2014 started, because I can reflect on last year for a long time, and so can you with all that happened!

  2. What a year! Awesome in the quilt finish department. Hoping for lots of joy for you in the new year!

  3. You have had quite a crazy year. Here's hoping things, including the kitten, settle down for you in 2014.

  4. You had some great finishes, big and little. Hope 2014 is a bit calmer.
