
Friday, July 4, 2014

Halfway Through 2014 Review/July Goals

I was just going to do a quickie Finish-Along round-up for the last three months, but since it's halfway through the year, it seems like a good place to stop and take stock.

For starters, major life changer:
After almost 2.5 years in process and two years since referral, the Little Man finally came home. He's been home almost eight weeks now and things are going well. He still won't speak English other than CC, no, out, kitty, and ammo {in reference to Nerf gun darts...thanks, Dad.} But since the lack of communication is our only complaint, we're doing really well.

I got a half marathon PR in the beginning of the year, which means all the rest of this year's can just be "finish at any time." Woo! Which was definitely necessary in Portland and Seattle.

In sewing, I've completed 12 quilts.
Three customer quilts - T-shirt QuiltVera Bradley QuiltT-Shirt Quilt
One start that wasn't on the UFO list {that was actually completely done from scraps} - Pretty in Pink
Five already-started-and-stopped UFOs - Chunky Log Cabin / Four Patch Frenzy / Skorca! / Cat Tails / Flirt Marks the Spot
Three projects that I already had planned and purchased the fabric - Road to Oklahoma / Owl Always Love You / Goodnight Monkey

I also made some table runners and wall hangings and some more table runners and an ironing board cover and did I mention the table runners?

And I finished off some tops to join the neverending "to be quilted" list. {And other ones got quilted, but they're close enough to finished that I'm just ignoring them for now.}

How's the list looking? Still pretty bad...but there's more crossed off than added, I think. I won't be quilting as much this summer, since quilting will cost me babysitting fees as well. My plan for July is to piece whatever the heck I feel like, whenever the heck I feel like it. It's summer.

Chevron Baby Quilt - pieced, awaiting quilting
Vera Bradley Stars Quilt - finished!
Witch Table Runner - quilted, hand-stitching binding
Wedding Quilt - waiting for the blocks to be sent back
Christmas Tree Skirt/Stockings - due Dec. 2014
Tammy's Running T-Shirt Quilt - finished!
Lori's Running T-Shirt Quilt - finished!
Tennessee Waltz - added 5/14 - pieced to borders
Celtic Love Knot - added 5/14 - planned, awaiting fabric choices
Space Twin Bed Quilts - added 6/14 - awaiting pattern choice

Awaiting Binding
Christmas Stars
Heart Table Runner - finished!
Frolicking Pinwheels 1
Ornament Table Runner
Postage Stamp Table Runner
Sunkissed Pillow
Four Patch Frenzy 1 - finished!
Central Park Sudoku - my AYOLF goal for July. I even have the binding, so it's probably a total cheat, but whatever. It'll definitely get done.
Reverse Heart - added 2/14 - finished!
Striped Table Runners

To Be Quilted
Leftover Bunting Quilt
Christmas Sampler
Baby Owls finished!
Toy Story 1

Partially Pieced
Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2013
Four Patch Frenzy 2
Frolicking Pinwheels 2
Log Cabin Shoes

Polaroid Quilt
Strip XOs
Woven Snowmen
Cat Flying Geese
Toy Story 2
Little Dude's foster mother's Road to Oklahoma - finished!
Bedtime Monkey - finished!

Just Needs Borders
Flirt Marks the Spot - finished!
Bonnie & Camille Spin Cycle {and justifiable, waiting for Miss Kate's release to finish}

Block of the Month/Week
{as in, I will be piecing it throughout the year with no hurry to finish}
Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2014

{as in, I already own the fabric & pattern}
Coffee panels and yardage
Lone Star
Pez Schnibble

Voila Pumpkin Kit
Trip Around the World
California Girl Double Hourglass - this one, and Luscious, are my Something Old goals for the month. I know - how can they be old if they haven't been started yet? I've had both jelly rolls with a planned pattern for two years, so I think that qualifies. And I'll be visiting family for two weeks, so what's easier than a couple jelly roll projects?
Hello Luscious Avignon Picnic
Mason Jar quilt
Homespun + Jeans
Star Wars Pixelated

Scrap Project
{as in, scraps that are partially pieced in some way and enough to make a mini or pillow, or there's enough that I can get another entire quilt out of it and am therefore unwilling to separate them...}
Civil War Scraps
HST Joy Scraps
Winnie the Pooh Scraps

Sew Cherry HST Scraps
Fairy Scraps
Saturday Sampler '11 Scraps
Pink Hunter Star Scraps
Blue Hunter Star Scraps
Steelers Scraps
Flirt Scraps

Small Project
{already in some stage of production}
OU/OSU Bunting
Crayon Rolls
Car Organizer

Red Suede Purse
A ridiculous number of pants that need hems or elastic repaired
Ironing board cover - finished!


  1. I love your ridiculously long list. Makes me feel good about mine. Or at least that I'll have a friend to share a room with at the nut house!

    Honestly, 12 quilts this year? You are amazing. Can't wait to see what comes (especially that Spin cycle quilt!).

  2. Go, Kate! I just love all your finishes. It makes me smile since my count this year is way low. :D

  3. Holy smokes lady! You are a finishing machine!!! (And considering all you got going on... I'm impressed!)

  4. The first half of 2014 looks pretty amazing. Good luck with crossing more off your list in the next 6 months.

  5. Wowzer! You've done an incredible amount for 6 months. Your list is impressive. One of these days I should take out all of my UFOs and see what I really have. But not yet! I'm actually finishing some now -- just to make it easier to figure them all out! HA!

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