
Monday, July 7, 2014

WiP - Doing Whatever I Want

So... I deliberately didn't take on much work this summer because it's my first one with two kids. Turns out, that was a really good plan, because now I'm also solo parenting for the summer.

So I have officially declared that I'm doing whatever I want in July. If I want to add things to my UFO list and not check anything off - fine. If I want to do Christmas in July - go for it. (As is Sew Lux, Fort Worth Fabrics, Quilt Story...) If I want to slice off part of my thumb...oops.

Case in point. Inspired by Winding Bobbins and using Sew Crafty Jess' measurements, I ran a rotary blade right over my thumb. Okay, that might not be their fault.

But anyway - my start on my sister's Christmas tree skirt. Which is adorable and doesn't have any blood on it...thank goodness.

And since there was a little too much desert khaki in my life last week, I pulled out some fabrics I got out of the Cozy Quilt's sale section. They were leftover from a applique quilt, and random sizes, so I ran a couple quick calculations and made an Ohio Star/Nine Patch/Irish Chain baby quilt.

I don't have any reason for it, and I'm not going to be quilting it any time soon, but I hung it up on the railing and the bright colors make me happy. And CC loves to hide behind it for sneak attacks.

And of course, my red scraps always make me happy. The real challenge this month is to not use all Sandy Gervais Valentine's fabrics.

BOMs Away Monday @ What A Hoot
Design Wall Monday @ Patchwork Times
Linky Tuesday @ Freemotion by the River
WiP Wednesday @ Freshly Pieced
Rainbow Scrap Challenge @ SoScrappy
Scrap Basket Sunday @ Kim's Big Quilting Adventure
Fabric Frenzy Friday @ Fort Worth Fabric


  1. Ouch! - hope didn't bleed on any fabric!!

    I have always loved Irish Chain settings - Your Ohio Star/Nine Patch/Irish Chain is really sweet :-)

  2. Hooray for freedom! :D Anyone solo parenting for a stretch deserves to do whatever-the-heck they want with their quilting time. Prolly ought not to chop of any more finger pieces, though. ;D

  3. I hate those "whoops" moments with the rotary cutter. Hope your boo-boo heals quickly.

    Have a fun July. Sounds like you are taking a vacation from goals and lists, which we need to do occasionally.

  4. First, ouch. No bueno.

    Second, you got this two kids thing. Promise. Popsicles, parks, and pools. That's how we get through the summer.

    And third, cute stuff. Glad you're doing what you want.

  5. Have to love those kitty friends who like to get in on the pictures ;)

  6. Sometimes we just need to do what makes us happy. The baby quilt makes me happy too! Thanks. At first I thought it was a small quilt and then I realized it was hanging over the bannister. Duh, me!

  7. Ouch! Hope it heals quickly.
    Looks like a wonderful tree skirt. Lovely little baby quilt. So many nice projects.

  8. Oh my that cuts sounds horrible, hopefully you will heal quickly. No machine sewing for me this week, I was determined to finish my applique block. Now I can concentrate on some red blocks.

  9. Oh no!!!!
    Hope there isn't too much damage to your thumb. Your on saliva gets off your blood. So don't worry

  10. So sorry about your thumb. The baby quilt looks perfect!

  11. Nuts about the thumb! I certainly hope it's not slowing you down from having some fun this month.

  12. Oh no. Hope the thumb heals quickly.
    Love your blocks.
