
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April - The Adoption Month

Our adoption was finalized this month. Does anything else really matter?

Well, actually, since that was all done in Korea with no input from us at all, I had plenty of time for other stuff this month, actually.

Like finishing the Little Man's quilt - my AYOLF goal.

And finishing Pretty in Pink, which was one of the several quilts listed on my Facebook page and already sold.

I also finished up a bunch of quilting, mainly of the striped table runners, but also of Cat Tails. I'm saving Cat Tails for the Blogger's Quilt Festival, so only sneak peeks for now.

Since the table runners have hand-stitched bindings, they finish up slowly. This one went to a silent auction for my church, so that's why it's done.

In piecing:
My four weekly churn dashes. Definitely a range of purples!

A couple extra RSC'13 blocks.

Finished the block piecing for Spin Cycle. I'm setting them aside now because I don't feel like sewing sashing I'm waiting for the release of MISS KATE for the borders of this Bonnie & Camille tribute quilt. I mean, really - obviously they named the new collection after me, so it only makes sense.

Some progress on Celtic Solstice. Last month I decided on a new layout and unpicked all of the secondary blocks. This month I actually started on the new design. I like it. The pinwheel was just too distracting, IMHO.

And then I made it all the way to the 29th without a NewFO! Instead of whipping out a kit, I decided to work on a quiet book for the Little Man. No iPads allowed at the embassy, so I have to have some way to entertain him. I know, weird, right?

But it is a sewing project, so I think it counts. The Dude and I have been having fun Pinteresting and designing the pages. The monster is completely his design. Unzip the mouth and unroll the tongue!

I'll have a post on Friday with more pages, or you can catch a sneak peek on Instagram. {@katiemaequilts}

And in family news, besides the whole finalization thing, the Dude became a Webelo. Momma cried. So did the Dude, when we had to rip that mustache off.

And I realized CC is the same size as Tycho now - and she's only eight months old. He still barely tolerates her. She manages to snuggle up with him if she creeps up slowly while he's not looking.


Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekly Progress - Not in Korea

I was supposed to be leaving for Korea this week. But, I'm not... So my sewing plans changed up a little.

Goodnight Monkey - I did finish the Little Man's quilt.

And I quilted Cat Tails and allllllll the table runners.

And then, since I now had another week, I thought about prepping something else to quilt. But, eh. I decided to spend this coming week on a couple of projects for my boys, and cleaning up the sewing room, rather than rushing through some backings.

So, in other sewing...
Bound one of the table runners to donate to my church's silent auction.

Weekly Churn Dash - I'm almost positive this one was in Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Maybe. Gah, is purple over already??

But while I'm complaining, I also pulled out some of the good purples from Fractured Four Patch and made a couple more RSC'13 blocks. Sad that I don't have enough of any of these for churn dashes.

Spin Cycle - three blocks added. Four to go! {Oh hey - it's Bad Kitten!}

And then I realized I made it all the way to the last week of the month with no NewFO! Oh no! Hmm, what to pick, what to pick?


Friday, April 25, 2014

Goodnight Monkey - Finished!

Well, since our adoption was finalized in Korea last week, it made sense to finish off the Little Man's quilt this week!

Unfortunately, final doesn't mean done. Due to holidays and random "system upgrades," we can't travel to get him {well, his visa} for a little bit longer.

But whatever - his quilt is done! And ready to go! Just as soon as we can! And I will make it through another week. Maybe.

Goodnight Monkey was inspired by a quilt I saw on Moda Bake Shop. I had a jelly roll of this line, and a friend gave us a blue sock monkey for the Little Man, so I decided to strip-piece the bottom and put the monkey on the top like a real bed.

I think the design was mostly like what I saw in my head. Close enough, at least! I still can't decide if I should have done shoulders! Probably...but...

The quilting is loose loops in a blue and yellow variegated thread on the stripped portion, and white thread on the "bedsheet." I thought about doing something in each strip, but decided on an allover design to soften the quilt up.

The back is slightly more random than I usually do! I had the panel that I wanted to use up. And a yard of the brown sock monkey texture from the applique. And some leftover strips from the front. And the extra blue dots from the pillow. So...there they all are.

Honestly, the panel is supposed to be a fabric book, so it's a little out of order here...the end is right next to the start! But I didn't want to take it apart and rearranging it, so...I think he'll still get the point of the story - which is, of course, totally jump on the bed.

I saved all the texture strips from the jelly roll to use in the applique and binding. I love it as binding - the texture just looks great!

In gratuitous kitten pictures, CC had this lovely little habit of curling around my machine, under my stand. As you can see here, she is quickly becoming too big to fit properly and ended up pulling the stand away from the machine to shove herself under it. Made strip-piecing lots of fun with the wiggling!

Snuggled up with the inspiration sock monkey.

And I'd love to show a great shot of it draped over the crib, but we had to leave something for my dad to do during the day when the Dude is at school. ;-)

Quilt Details
Fabric: mostly Goodnight Monkey jelly roll {a line from about 2009}
Backing: Monkey panel, sock monkey texture, blue dots that I can't find the selvage
Binding: jelly roll strips
Size: 40x60"
Pattern: similar to Moda Bake Shop


Monday, April 21, 2014

Weekly Progress - Final Approval!!

Sewing? Who cares about sewing? WE HAVE FINAL APPROVAL!!

This long, long, loooooong journey is finally at an end. But not without another little government hiccup - the embassy is closed for most of next week, so we have to wait just a bit longer to go pick him up. Because of course.

But, deep breath. It's almost done.

And I did get some sewing done this week!

Pretty in Pink - finished!

Goodnight Monkey - quilted and binding prepped. That will be finished off ASAP so it can go with us to Korea. Because I get to get my son soon!! {Have I mentioned that? I don't know if I mentioned that.}

Striped Table Runners - started quilting the myriad of these. I finished the daisy ones and the long spring-y ones. Hexagon spring-y ones are pinned and ready to go, witch ones are on the bottom of the long backing piece.

Oh, and once I remove the daisy backing, I'll add Dutch table runners. Because when you cut one off, another grows in its place. {Hail Hydra!}

{I should probably remove my row markers before quilting...}

And since by the end of last week, I knew I wasn't going to be flying to Korea this week, I went ahead and finished Cat Tails and scheduled quilting for tomorrow. Just because I really want to finish Cat Tails.

Weekly Churn Dash - this one...hmm. I know I've used it before, because it's not a full FQ. But I can't remember where. I told you the purple scraps weren't all that meaningful!

Spin Cycle - two more blocks added. 18/25 done.

A random question. I've been working on updating my pages at the top. Since I do a lot of baby quilts, there's...a lot of quilts. I think I have 50-60 finished ones?

Anyway, what do people think is the best way to display that? Quilts by year? By category? Smaller thumbnails so you don't have to scroll past twenty quilts? Collages? No one actually ever checks past works so who cares?

And lastly...I finally gave in and joined Instagram. In case you want to see daily pictures of Bad Kitten being bad, instead of weekly ones. {Or Korea pics. Because I'm going to Korea!! To get my son!!!}


Friday, April 18, 2014

Pretty in Pink - Finished!

A finish made entirely of scraps and stash! That has to be my favorite kind.

This quilt was inspired by my overflowing pink scrap bin, and Jasmine's Reverse Stars. I chose 3" finished squares because that was the size of the Kona scrap I had leftover from the chevron top.

In retrospect, I probably would have made less hearts. They ended up being a little hard to space out on the top, and they're a bit more overwhelming than I was going for. Plus, I could have used more pink scraps!

I quilted the pink portions in loose loops, then tighter-but-not-really-matchstick in the hearts.

The binding is also scrappy - lots of 2.5" strips!

Definitely something I would do again - I can close the top of the pink scrap bin now! And since it was all pink, I could just ignore the fact that some of the fabrics were glaringly bright.

Quilt Details
Fabric: scraps, Kona Bone
Backing: unknown pink remnant
Binding: scraps
Size: 45" square
Pattern: reverse hearts - similar to this block


Monday, April 14, 2014

Weekly Progress - Spring Break

The Dude and I had a fun spring break, filled with cleaning and organizing. No, I swear - he had fun! He made a creeper with his closet organizers...very easy to make him happy.

I snuck in a little sewing - I scheduled what will probably be my last toddler-free quilting session for Thursday, so I did a quick inventory on what I could get done.

Answer: table runners. And more table runners. Mostly because the backing is all the same size, so I can sew the ends together and just keep quilting on down. Then I don't have to worrying about loading the longarm again.

And that will give me plenty to bind for a while!

I also pieced all the square-in-square blocks, so now I just get to put together Spin Cycle blocks at my leisure. Nine more to go!

And my weekly churn dash. This is from a doll dress I made for my niece. Yeah. Slim pickings in the purple scraps for favorites! I actually do have a couple well-loved bits, but not enough for a churn dash. I may add them to the RSC'13.

And the only new purchase from Spring Cleaning Week. Most of the shelving here went to the Dude's room, or became a fridge for the play kitchen. This nice big shelf can hold/organize almost everything that used to be crammed into random places, or on the floor.

And that's about it. This week, I need to fix the Dude's Cub Scout uniform - the Blue and Gold Banquet is coming up and he's still, according to his shirt, a member of the Oklahoma council. And of course, the first thing I'm quilting on Thursday is the Little Man's quilt.

But mostly, I'll be waiting on pins and needles for the final approval phone call.


Monday, April 7, 2014

Weekly Progress - Airplane Germs

Well, it was inevitable with 24+ hours in airplanes. I came down with a head cold of sorts and spent the last week sleeping it off and drinking tea. So not that much got done in the sewing room.

Spin Cycle - added one more block...of course, the one that Bad Kitty is sitting on.

At that block, I ran out of square-in-a-square pieces, so it was time to start chain piecing some more. Woohoo.

Weekly Churn Dash - this was from one of my very first projects, a purse that I put together totally wrong and never fixed. It's a good reminder of how far I've come!

And I stitched down the applique on Goodnight Monkey, and started prepping the back. I'm using a panel and the leftover pieces from the front.

And, very exciting for the Dude - we're spending Spring Break cleaning and organizing closets, which includes swapping out some of my sewing room shelving. So far, his room is looking a lot better...and the rest of the house is looking a lot worse.
