
Friday, April 18, 2014

Pretty in Pink - Finished!

A finish made entirely of scraps and stash! That has to be my favorite kind.

This quilt was inspired by my overflowing pink scrap bin, and Jasmine's Reverse Stars. I chose 3" finished squares because that was the size of the Kona scrap I had leftover from the chevron top.

In retrospect, I probably would have made less hearts. They ended up being a little hard to space out on the top, and they're a bit more overwhelming than I was going for. Plus, I could have used more pink scraps!

I quilted the pink portions in loose loops, then tighter-but-not-really-matchstick in the hearts.

The binding is also scrappy - lots of 2.5" strips!

Definitely something I would do again - I can close the top of the pink scrap bin now! And since it was all pink, I could just ignore the fact that some of the fabrics were glaringly bright.

Quilt Details
Fabric: scraps, Kona Bone
Backing: unknown pink remnant
Binding: scraps
Size: 45" square
Pattern: reverse hearts - similar to this block



  1. I love this! And the amount of hearts is just perfect.

  2. I love this quilt. Your layout is really neat. I like the amount of hearts. And it is always so much fun to see a link to my blog, so thanks for making me smile!

  3. Beautiful quilt. I love the hearts and think you can never have too many.

  4. I think this is really cute and especially like your quilting in the hearts.

  5. Well look at you Miss Scrasptastic! Very well done!

  6. It's just lovely! Congrats on the finish! :)
