
Thursday, July 31, 2014

July - the NewFO Month

This month, I decided to do whatever I want. Partly because it's summer and partly because my husband left on a no-notice deployment. It's rough being the only one to take the kids to swim lessons, and the park, and to the ice cream store. Okay, not really, but it's harder to fit in sewing time.

Finished Flimsies: Tennessee Waltz, Ohio Nines, Wee Wander {with mitered borders!}, Mitered Corner Practice Piece {okay, it's hardly huge, but I'm going to make it a pillow. It counts.} Only Tennessee Waltz was started prior to July.

Finished: Central Park Sudoku {AYOLF goal}

Finished: Christmas Tree Skirt {started and finished in July}

Blocks: Ripples and Reflections Parts 1 & 2, red Weekly Churn Dashes, Hello Luscious-Avignon Picnic, California Girl Double Hourglass, Sawtooth Star + Denim - all new projects except for the churn dashes.

So, that's eight NewFOs for the month. Not bad. Especially since almost all were on my UFO list somewhere.

And in between there's been the zoo and kids museums and tie dye and family and treasure hunts and accidentally learning things. And that family in the middle picture is expanding - new quilt niece or nephew due in February!

And no races, but I'm doing the world's worst 5K training program. I've never been this fast...or sore.

A Year of Lovely Finishes
Fresh Sewing Day @ Lily's Quilts
NewFO @ Cat Patches


  1. What a brilliant list of finishes!! I love that tree skirt, well done!

  2. Beautiful. I love the tree skirt. I've been wanting to make one similar. Yours turned out great.

  3. Busy, busy, you got a lot done while enjoying life, great for you!

  4. You had a very busy and productive month!

  5. Wow! You did a lot for also being temporarily in single mom mode.

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