
Friday, August 1, 2014

August Goals

Sometimes I feel a bit like whining about the fact that I can't go long arm anything while the "babysitter" is overseas. But then I check my UFO list and realize "to be quilted" is one of the shorter lists.

So for August, I'd like to work on making it the longest, while simultaneously clearing out the "awaiting binding" list. Then I'll have a clean slate when he gets back with plenty to choose from in the quilting queue.

That means my AYOLF goal is Christmas Stars, and the table runners that are piling up. Christmas Stars definitely counts as something old, as it was started 2011.

Something new would be getting my website ready to launch. With my shiny new logo! I hope it will go painlessly, and all y'all will move right over with the blog reader of your choice. But it's technology, and it's me, so...


  1. Good luck with the website!!! I like your signature block :)

  2. Love the logo!

    And whine away. I have a babysitter, and I still can't get to the longarm (the much promised quilting day has yet to transpire!). Still wishing I lived close so we could trade off! 'Course, you could come for a visit in Boise . . .

  3. Love your new logo - very cool. And glad you have a plan - not mandatory but doesn't hurt! ;-)

  4. Good luck with your August goals. The new logo is fun. Looking forward to seeing your new space.
