
Monday, May 26, 2014

Weekly Progress - Learning Patience

The Little Man and I started working on a routine this week, and working out issues with patience. As in, he has none, which makes prepping dinner lots of fun.

And I'm being patient and waiting for those few moments when I can get things done. Which is pretty much naptime, snacktime, and Daniel Tiger time.

T-shirt Quilt - I can't iron when he's awake, so I spend morning snack preparing {ie, triple checking my measurements}, naptime ironing fusible interfacing, and afternoon snack cutting out blocks. It's very slow, but steady progress.

Yeah, I no longer have space for a design wall...or a design floor...there are toys everywhere.

Weekly Churn Dash - one of my favorite greens, a print from Sandy Gervais' Lollipop.

...and...that's it...



  1. I remember the toddler days in this house. You got a lot done considering all the new scheduling challenges.

  2. What a sweet green print on the churn dash. I can see why it is a favorite. Given your transition, it is a blessing to be able to get anything constructive accomplished on the sewing front. Enjoy the moments while you can. Someday you will have plenty of time and miss the hectic hustle.

  3. I love your churn dash block. Don't worry about not having much sewing time; that will pass. Your little man will be a big guy in no time.

  4. How old is this little man? I guess he's about the same age as my Caroline. Only difference is I have four other kids to keep her entertained so I don't have to!

    Love the churn dash block. You were smart to do them a few at a time. Boy am I ever sick of HSTs now!

  5. So, soooo happy your boy is with you. :) It's got to be hard on a personal level to adjust to having anew tot around and down-scaling sewing time - especially after using it to fill all the anxious wait time! Toys instead of design wall/floor are an awesome exchange, though, eh? :D

  6. So, soooo happy your boy is with you. :) It's got to be hard on a personal level to adjust to having anew tot around and down-scaling sewing time - especially after using it to fill all the anxious wait time! Toys instead of design wall/floor are an awesome exchange, though, eh? :D

  7. You seem to manage well with no time Kate. The churn dash block is pretty - one of my favourite blocks to make. Haven't made it for a while. Perhaps that will have to resurface soon.

  8. So much prep for the t-shirt quilts but a great way to preserve memories. Busy lady but so organized. Everything will get done. Have patience with yourself too Your life has taken a great change and it's all about adapting and enjoying..

  9. I remember the days. Now I have grandkids and hope I'll be able to remember the days!

    I love that churn dash fabric too.Cute.

  10. The churn dash block is adorable.

  11. Your tee shirt quilt is coming along beautifully!

  12. The churn dash is one of my favorite blocks! Yours is lovely.
