
Monday, May 19, 2014

Weekly Progress - Back from Korea

So, yeah, the adoption/new toddler thing was my major progress within the last two weeks. {Three? How long has it been since I posted one of these? I may be sleep deprived.}

Also, I finished Cat Tails. Don't be too impressed - it was done to the binding before I left, and it took three days to do 90 minutes of binding. The Little Man and I are slowly working out a routine of distract/sew/distract/sew/stop fingers from pushing buttons/sew/sing a silly song/sew/distract/give up.

I finished all the blocks for Spin Cycle and set them aside. Not because I'm too lazy to sash them - but because Bonnie & Camille named their next collection after me, so I'm waiting for its release to decide on borders and put the whole thing together.

And I made a running skirt in Half Fanatics colors for my half marathon on Sunday. Yes, that's right - I ran a half marathon on Sunday. When I scheduled my races back in December, I really thought I was cutting it close with the January one. Never once did I think I would be coming home within a week of the May one.

Finished some quiet book pages before I left. The button one was the biggest hit.

In piecing, I started to catch up on my green churn dashes.

And started my leader/ender, a simple charm pack tessellation-esque thing.

And finally, in planning, I started on a t-shirt quilt order - they came very well labeled! All the shirts are measured and the design is worked out, so now I have to wait for nap time to get some steady stitching done.

Nap time is the BEST.


  1. Lots of fun projects! I love Spin Cycle so much. Great palette of fabrics.

  2. Wow!! Labeled and organized and all - what a nice commission. :) And how cool of those two to name a collection after you. ;D I really love how the cats turned out - big kudos on that!

  3. Looks like you will be busy, how neat that the T-shirt quilts are already organized for you! Thanks for sharing at Linky Tuesday! Freemotion by the River

  4. Absolutely love your spin cycle. It will look wonderful once it is all made up.

  5. Spin Cycle looks great. Wow you have been busy. Half marathon's and stitching all with a new toddler at home.

  6. So running a half marathon. Not something you just sneak in there! You ran 13.1 miles! Wow! So much going on. It is amazing you found any time to sew. Way to go

  7. So much going on in your life and you have time to quilt and post. Way to go girl! Love the cat tails and the Spin Cycle is going to be great - love that block.
