
Saturday, May 31, 2014

May - The Family Month

A little earlier this month, when my husband said he was going to take the Dude to see Godzilla, I said the good movies don't come out until May.

It might have been May 16 when this conversation took place.

So... I also didn't notice May was pretty much over by this morning. So this is a bit rushed during my precious Daniel Tiger distraction time.

Cat Tails - and my family! My AYOLF for the month.

Running T-shirt Quilt - all but the two hardest blocks are pieced! They require very careful cutting, so I saved them for last. And I need to wiggle around the color placements to break up the darks.

Weekly Churn Dashes - a lovely set of green. It was hard to choose this month; I really like my greens!

Cardinal Charms - my NewFO - I started this Christmas quilt as my leader/ender, since it's easier to have out than Celtic Solstice.

And I made a running skirt for the Portland Rock'N'Roll Half Marathon...a mere 7.5 days after getting back from Korea. YEAH. That was insane.

Other than that, this month has just been getting to know my toddler and making this new family dynamic work. We're slowly getting there. Most things are good, other than communication. And I know that will come...eventually. And since most other things are good, I can't really complain.

But I'd really like him to learn "more" and stop slamming his plate on the table.



  1. Slow and patient on so many fronts. Glad that things are starting to settle in for you. Good progress on the green blocks and the t-shirt quilt.

  2. The projects are great, but especially loving seeing BOTH your sons at home!

  3. I like the t-shirt quilt and the churn dash blocks.

  4. Love your Churn Dash blocks, its one of my favorite blocks!

  5. a very productive month! how wonderful that your son has come to live with you. he will get used to it all, it must be very confusing for him.

  6. In spite of all the changes you had a good month. Hope things continue to smooth out.
