
Friday, December 6, 2013

Squadron T-Shirt Quilt - Finished!

There was actually an internal debate this week, because I finished not one - not two - but three quilts! I ended up choosing this one because I could stand to do it in phone photos, and the husband still hasn't returned with my camera.

Phone pics, at nearly-dusk, in sub-zero temps. You lucky people, you.

Just another t-shirt quilt, for the same person I did the first running t-shirt quilt for last year. This one is for her husband, who is a fighter jet pilot. I do not know which one. Viper? Got me.

He was also a missileer, and his two scarves were incorporated as well. Fun fact: I had to ask my husband which direction the red scarf went. He said the missiles faced up. I said, "There's missiles on it?" I make a terrible military wife.

I quilted with loops and stars - simple and not distracting from the shirts. Freehand! And I only got lost in the middle of one star.

CC helped.

A lot.

Let's see, the front border and binding is Robert Kaufman, the backing is dark blue minkee. No idea on the gold border.




  1. Nice Tshirt quilt! I was wondering what seam allowance you use when piecing tshirt to tshirt? and what type of interfacing do you use on the tshirts? thanks for your answers!!

  2. LOVE it. Love the quilting (nice job freehand, you awesome quilter!). Love the minky. Love it all. And I would make a horrible military wife too. I want to get these things for my husband's pistol and I had to text his friend who knows what they are called and where to get them. You should have seen the texts - I'm like, "you know, the thingies that go inside the magazine . . . " It was pretty funny.
