
Monday, December 9, 2013

Weekly Progress - Pile o' Finished Quilts

Before you get too used to all this production, my husband was out of town last week, and the Dude doesn't care if we have chicken quesadillas for dinner. Every night.

So, we start with a stack of bound quilts. Squadron T-shirt quilt has already been posted about, and then there's Loopy Ewe and the Nine Patch Snowball. Posts coming soon. Imagine that, I have to play catch up on finished posts!

And then I made the blocks for a baby shower gift, using this pattern and a stack of FQs that I won from Fabric Spot during the Finish-Along last quarter. And the baby shower isn't even until the end of January!

And then I bit the bullet and picked up some yardage to go with my Lovely blue for the Celtic Solstice mystery. I think the neutral is too bright, though.

These are my blocks so far, since I haven't cut into the neutral. Yes, I am doing the second step as HST instead. I calculated it out and there's less waste this way, even with the extra seam.

And in gratuitous kitten pictures, we put up the Christmas tree. It went about as well as you'd expect.

Today I'm prepping my quilting for this week - all the table runners, wall hangings, pillow covers, and potholders I can find, all slapped down on a big piece of muslin and batting scraps.

And then a day of doll dresses and I'll be done for December!



  1. You are jamming!!!! It's a serious slow-down time for me, but it's all good. I really love those baby quilt blocks. The fabrics are so cool. Looking forward to seeing it come together!

  2. I really like your colors, and you are too smart...never thought of doing HST...beautiful.

  3. When the husband is away.... the sewing machine works overtime! Your baby quilt blocks are so cute! I'm putting that one on my list. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I love your fabric choices for Celtic Solstice! And the baby blocks are too cute! ~Melanie

  5. I am really looking forward to seeing how the mystery quilt comes together. Your projects look great!

  6. I like your blocks with the stripes! Can't wait to see how it all turns out. Nice work.

  7. It's so easy to "cook" when it's just you, isn't it? I get to scrounging whatever is in the fridge that doesn't require cooking...and can eat the same thing over and over :) Love the orange/aqua in your Celtic Solstice...look forward to seeing how it turns out. Baby blocks are cute, cat is hilarious! What would we quilters do without the entertainment?

  8. I love the blocks for your baby quilt. Great colours.

  9. I like your Celtic Solstice fabrics. You've been busy getting things done, which has to feel good.
