
Friday, October 25, 2013

Swoon - Finished!

I started it way, way back in September 2011.

Along the way, I made friends with Heather and Debbie, both WiP Wednesday linkers who were Swooning. They both finished a million years ago.

Later, I joined the Swoon-along. Most of those people finished...a million years ago.

So, after a million years...give or take a few...

My Swoon.

{The husband did not understand "spread your arms wider!" Or "don't step on my quilt or you can sleep under it on the guest bed!"}

The fabric is Sandy Gervais' fall line from 2011, Grand Finale, with a bit of fall leaves from Fall-gyle, some scraps of SG's Lollipop, and unknown orange-y fall print {sorry, I don't save selvages from a million years ago.} The background is Dimples. The border is also Grand Finale, and the binding is SG's Awesome.

The layout includes three 24" blocks, four 16" blocks, and eleven 8" blocks. 

Regular readers know I've been slightly giddy about renting long arm time, but sticking with safe pantos. Not for my Swoon. 

No, I was going to freehand my Swoon. Loops and the occasional butts leaves.

Lesson learned: I looped the sashing first {across the left bottom corner} and I shouldn't have - it restricted my movement too much and doesn't blend nicely.

And I had to do something SPECIAL on the big blocks - loops and swooshes and more swooshing and more loops. {Is it just me, or is it dang near impossible to get a good shot of quilting?}

It is not perfect quilting, but it's a pretty giant leap forward for me.

And then there's the back...

See, I hate a pieced back. I do them sometimes, but my preference is also a nice, clean, solid stretch of fabric. I don't mind other people's pieced backs...just not on mine.

But for some reason, this idea got stuck in my head. Probably after reading the list of Sandy Gervais' past lines and realizing that with the names known, it was do-able.

That's ten years of SG fall lines, from 2003-2012.


Not only was I able to find a bit of everything, but most places didn't even seem to realize these were OOP and were selling them as clearance!

So, there you {finally} have it. She measures about 82x82" and is going on the queen guest bed. {Um, after everyone puts away their laundry.}



  1. Really creative to change the sizes of the block--I like that.

  2. Your Swoon Quilt is really pretty!! I love your fabrics. Well done!!

  3. Visiting from Quilt Fest (got to get my quilts in there) I love the different sizes you used. I think I like this better than all one size.

  4. It's just beautiful! Great job, and just in time for fall. (See, your timing was perfect!)

  5. what a great job! i really like the different sized blocks and your confetti placement of them -- makes me like this block even more!

  6. Oh my goodness! Absolutely lovely! I've never seen the multi-size swoon blocks all in one quilt. I think it is fabulous!

  7. Love your Swoon quilt! I really like how you used different sized blocks. Very nice!

  8. Awesome! I am just finishing up a quilt with Sandy Gervais Essence fabric. I love the fall fabrics, wait I love everything she has done. I just finished my last Swoon block, so I hope to have a top by the end of the year.

  9. Gorgeous! I love the mini blocks and your use of negative space.

  10. oh I'm SOOO pleased and proud for you! Your Swoon is awesome and beautiful and I love that you 'stretched' with the quilting! And that backing - all those lines? That is something else and totally something I would do if I ever thought of it. Cool!! I could go on and on - but CONGRATS! You did good!!

  11. I adore you swoon and especially love all the different size swoons. Congratulations on your finish.

  12. I love that you've got different sized swoons, it looks great and it must feel so good to have it finished. Especially if it took a million years.

  13. Love the variety of swoon block sizes! Congratulations on a lovely finish!

  14. I totally LOVE this swoon! The size change is so refreshing. The colors are wonderful. Congrats on your beautiful finish!

  15. Love it! It's gorgeous! Love the swooshes and loops and the butts. You did a great job.

    Why is it husbands don't understand the "hold it out and hold it straight?"

    And you are not the last in the Swoon-along to make yours. I'm still auditioning fabric. I'm doing a quilt retreat in January. Perhaps I'll be ready for it by then!

  16. You may have finished later than all other swooners but I like you Swoon quilt better than most others :)

  17. Beautifully done! Congrats on the finish. Love the quilting. You've learned a lot since you've been using the long arm.

  18. Great Swoon, I love it! I always like some interest on the back (not to mention unused blocks and scraps!) so I'm cheering your back too!

  19. Swoon! Look at Swoon. :D I love the different sizes. Nice variation on the QAL. :D

  20. Wonderful swoon quilt! I love the different size blocks and the layout ... :) Pat

  21. I love how you mixed the block sizes! Such a fantastic idea :-)

  22. She is a beaut! I love that you did different sizes, makes it much more interesting! :)

  23. very cool! love the multisized blocks!

  24. I love the multi-sized Swoon blocks!!! And the quilt back looks great too. Thanks for linking up!

  25. I think this is lovely! I love the back! If looks beautiful
