
Thursday, October 31, 2013

End of Month Report - October

Last month, I learned the basic of long-arm quilting. This month, I put that skill to use...a lot!


I also finished off two Halloween costumes, Yoda...

and a Minecraft creeper...
{More on this one soon.}

I got 90% of the wedding guests to sign my sister's quilt squares appropriately.

Pieced and appliqued this rainbow boat quilt. Will be quilting it next week. {It's my NewFO!}

In life news, not much happened beyond my sister's wedding. We are still waiting for EP approval from Korea. The Dude was home sick for two days, and sweetly shared it with me. I've been running sporadically and hesitating on signing up for the Seattle half marathon.

Oh, and there's this.

Her name is Cookies and Cream, aka CC. She is a pain in the butt sweet little kitten. When she's tired. Which isn't often. The Dude is in love. {Tycho is not.}



  1. those are some great looking finishes. congrats! fun costumes too.

  2. Love the Minecraft Creeper costume. I hope the Dude gave you lots of mom points for that one. Looks like you have lots of blocks from your sister's wedding. I'm looking forward to seeing those come together in a quilt.

  3. Wow! You really have been busy this month. Maybe one day I can learn how to do long arm quilting. Your Halloween costumes are really cute too! Looking forward to seeing your sister's quilt after it's put together. Your rainbow boat quilt is cute as well as your little CC.

  4. Look at those finishes! Good going girl! Love the new kitten btw.

  5. Okay, so I want a kitty! And did 10% of the wedding guests sign inappropriately? How unfortunate!

    You've had a busy month. What a great idea to do a recap post. Feels good to see all the work you've done!

  6. Haha! Poor Tyco. Yeah, what did the other 10% do? You did great, getting 90% taken care of! And you had a fabulous month for finishes. :)

  7. So great to get some finishes! And your Halloween costumes look good, too!

  8. You had a great month for finishes and starts.

  9. Nice work. You've accomplished a lot.

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