
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fractured Four Patch - Finished!

Just checking them off the list now! Look at me go!

This is Fractured Four Patch, a baby quilt for my give to a friend.

It was an experiment based on this block by What Comes Next. I used 9" (unfinished) starter blocks - cutting four pieces/two blocks from a quarter yard cut - for a 15" (finished) final block.

I debated using several different cuts, or just one each of the lavender/yellow. 

In retrospect...with the bigger blocks, probably should have gone with one each. If there were more, smaller blocks, the lightest lavender wouldn't stand out so much. (See: top right corner.)

And, it would have been pretty cool in two colors with all the twists and turns blending into each other. Mine are nice, but they are distinct blocks.

Also, if you make this as a full quilt, you should mark your ruler with the seams to line up. I trimmed willy-nilly figuring it would all match up in the end. It did...mostly...but it could have been done perfectly had I spent a little time with some tape.

I don't know if anyone can see it {I can, but I know which way to squint!} but I love the way the quilting looks on the back. It's just a double outline on the front, but it makes a cool pattern on the back.

The binding is straight-up perfection. As soon as my sister said "lavender and yellow" I knew that the binding would be. This stripe (Summerhouse Collection by Andover) has been in my stash forever - or at least, three years. And yet I still packed it off to the storage unit before the quilt was done.

I also made a ribbon blankie from the scraps.




  1. love these colors and the pattern! I'm an LSU fan, so I always love any shades of purple and gold together, haha!

  2. Ooh, I love me some purple and yellow! You did a great job with this, Kate! It looks so wonderfully cuddly! Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

  3. Very nice! And you are right about that perfect binding!

  4. Congrats on the finish! It turned out beautifully.

  5. Dropped by from TGIFF, I love the variation in the shades of colour across the blocks, smashing :)

  6. The striped binding Is perfect!!!! Love it!!!
    The little ribbon blanket is a sweet addition.
    BTW......I squinted too to see your quilting....nice job!

  7. Well done. I like the snuggly back.

  8. Congratulations on your finish!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo com
    Ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  9. Very pretty, Kate! Whoop whoop!!

  10. That is so pretty -- thanks for linking up!

  11. it looks amazing! Thanks for sharing!
