
Monday, May 13, 2013

Weekly Update - Fusing Things

Lots done, but very little sewing this week.

First, a winner of my giveaway, which I didn't get to this weekend because we were at a wedding and I didn't want to interrupt family time. {Okay, really, the hotel internet was terrible.} says the winner is....


Rachel, who looks like she uses panels.

She said: "Selling a house is such a pain. Empty as much as possible out so it looks bigger. No toys or pets helps, too. Good luck! The panel is cute. I know a couple of expectant moms...."

Lots of good advice from you all! I wonder if burying the Saint will work for a non-Catholic. ;)

I'm in the final crunch of cleaning, and working my way through a pile of t-shirt quilts, but first I need to take care of Victor, who died made a remarkable recovery while the Dude was at school today.


A peek at Rainbow Sherbet. Full post will be up in time for the Blogger's Quilt Festival.

In Progress
Fusing and cutting blocks for the Raiders T-shirt Quilt.

The next stack...already measured and laid out on paper. Once the design is approved, I'll start cutting.

And in the RSC corner, I separated my blues into the suggested light/bright/dark. Except I don't really have a lot of what I'd consider bright. Which is okay - since they're wee little blocks, I don't want 30 blues compared to 10 of the other colors, so I think light/dark is enough.

As usual, the design wall isn't changing. Maybe someday when I don't have to run to three different stores to find a betta with the right coloring.


  1. You've been busy. Looking forward to seeing more of your Rainbow Sherbet quilt.

  2. Another nice finish! Good luck with those tshirts!

  3. I like your fractured four patch - that is a neat design!

  4. love the fractured four patch

  5. Oh man is your house on the market too? Ours has been for 10 months, no offers, 21(ish) showings, no offers. It sucks. I hope you have better luck! I love that purple quilt, such a pretty pattern and color scheme.
