
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween - from my Bald Eagle

Happy Halloween!

A bald eagle, made from felt and a basic hoodie/sweatpants pattern. The talons were kind of a fail - they were too big in an attempt to hide his shoes, so within five minutes of tripping over them, they were removed.

"Climb on the top of the ladder and pretend you're flying."
"MOM! You're not ALLOWED on the top of the ladder!"

The beak was stitched to one side of the hood and Velcroed to the other, so he could remove it easily.

{And this picture? Wonderful. We have struggled SO MUCH with reading, and it's finally clicking.}



  1. How fun! Hope he brought home a load of candy!

  2. So VERY COOL! :D Great job there, Kate. And happy for you on the reading break-through.

  3. Very fun! And love the eagle reading! ;-)
