
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Weekly Progress - You Can Take the Girl Out of Jersey

I'm a Jersey Girl, born and raised.

I went to the shore when I was a kid.

I jumped off a pier in Asbury Park in high school.
{Unless my mom reads this. In which case, that sounds very dangerous and I'm sure I would never do that.}

My husband and I went to the shore for our nine month dating anniversary, and I still have the cheesy boardwalk heart mirror with our names engraved on it.

Now, I have relatives and friends who are still without power, with a snowstorm on the way.

Please, if you're able, donate to the Red Cross or NJ Sandy Relief.

Vesuviusmama is also collecting quilt blocks for Sandy victims. I'll be sending her a few!

Anyway, there was some progress...

Finished tops:
Saturday Sampler 2011! It's off to the longarmer's. So glad to get this one out the door, long before Christmas.

Running T-Shirt Quilt #2 - have to quilt this one myself, and I'm out of batting until I hit Joann's with a 60% off coupon on Thursday. So I have a couple days off.

Design Wall/UFO Busting - Chunky Log Cabin
Finished all the blocks. Still pondering the layout. This one is a strong contender.

Fifteen Minute Challenge - Organization
Notion drawer before

Notion drawer after 15 minutes

Slowly keeping things picked up and in place. I have a Pinterest-y plan for the ribbon drawer that will definitely take a couple 15 minute sessions!

Fifteen Minute Challenge @ Life In Pieces


  1. Great progress Kate!

    So sorry to hear about what's been going on in your home state and about your family/friends who are struggling. Our thoughts are with them, and with you, being far away.

  2. Good work this week. I sure hope your relatives' power gets reconnect QUICKLY!!!

  3. Great tops. I really like your chunky log cabin. Hum, I wonder if I have fabric that I could do that with? Really, I have to ask??? Did you do machine embroidery for the words on your Saturday sampler quilt? Lots of things to enjoy on your post today.

  4. Love your quilt tops, the t-shirt quilt is fun. I am also a proud Jersey Girl and I still live at the shore. I love how the quilting world (and really everyone) has come together to help. Not looking forward to the snowstorm at all. I have already taken a few quilts to my local shelter, it's the best way I know to help.

  5. Sorry to hear you have family & friends going thru such hard times too!! Nice you have some lovely finished tops...

  6. Beautiful projects. Love the Saturday Sampler, glad you were able to work out all the trouble spots.

  7. i think i'm going to hit the link for the quilt block collector . . . i had heard that there was somebody out there doing it but had yet to actually find anyone. it will feel good to be able to do something for all of the people who have had to suffer through this nightmare.

    loven' that chunky log cabin~!

    oh how i wish my craft supplies looked this organized~!!~


  8. Looking good! Best wishes to your family, and will check out the link!

  9. I'm a Jersey girl too... and just cannot get over the destruction there. Hard to see so many places I love destroyed.
