
Monday, October 29, 2012

Weekly Progress - To The Finish

I had a much better week last week - including a kick-ass long run on Friday. Yeah, I just described an eight mile run as awesome. The fresh air must be getting to me.

There's also been a ton of sewing - focused sewing - with several projects completed or nearing completion.

In full disclosure - the rest of my house is a disaster. I don't think I've folded laundry in three weeks.

Striped Spiral

Also, the Dude's Halloween costume is finished, but you'll have to wait until Halloween for pictures.

Nearly Finished:
LQS Saturday Sampler 2011 - I just have the top and bottom border to add. And it's not due to the quilter until Nov. 15 - AND I already have the backing good to go!

Running T-Shirt Quilt #2 - all the blocks except for the hardest two are done! I just need to very carefully piece the shirts her husband made for her Ironman.

Fifteen Minute Challenge - Organization
Monday - cleared the cutting table
Tuesday - folded fabric and cleared Necchi sewing machine table
Wednesday - cleared Singer sewing machine table
Thursday - nothing
Friday - cleared the treadle sewing machine
Saturday - cleaned off the bench the cats are supposed to sit on, although they only sit on fabric even when the bench is clear
Sunday - cleaned off the sewing table - and now all the flat surfaces are clear! {Okay, maybe not that exciting...but I don't think ALL the sewing machine tables have ever ALL been clear at the same time.}

Design Wall/UFO Busting
Since I finished off quilting of a UFO earlier in the week, and found some UFO blocks while cleaning, I decided to put them on the design wall and play around with them for my UFO day.

 Didn't actually sew them since I'm still playing... I have a total of 20 blocks. I like this frame...but I don't know what to fill it with. Plus I'll have leftover blocks.

I like it on point...could go two rows higher and one column wider... I think if I went with this one, I would slash the blocks instead of adding setting triangles before the border. Or maybe not.

It already looks totally different as I fiddle with the blocks every time I walk past it. And I prepped the last seven partial blocks to finish as leaders/enders throughout this week.



  1. I like your blog, since part of my occupation is quilting. (My problem is that I have too many interesting thing that cry for my attention)
    I do have the same problem with flat surfaces...
    Maybe you can visit my blogs: for art I have and for craft
    I hope to hear from you

  2. Wow - you've been busy. I appreciate the cleaning comments... I've been busting a gut getting a particular quilt finished for a deadline and the house has just been ignored. Problem is that now I want to do some other fun sewing, not spend time catching up with that cleaning!

  3. awesome how much you've gotten done!!

  4. Look at you go! All this *and* a long run - I'm impressed. :) As our laundry gets folded about one week out of the month, I'm hardly judging your three-week lull. ;D

    Hey - that embroidery on the border of the LQS sampler sure is gorgeous.

  5. Wow! Great week. Organization and sewing (plus running). If it makes you feel any better my house still looks like world war 3!

  6. Wow! great projects and looks like you had a productive week or weeks. With your design wall/UFO busting I like the first arrangement. Lately I have been into modern quilting and love lot of negative space. If you're into FMQ you can fill these with background fabric to do beautiful FMQ on it.
    Just my 2cents.

  7. it's always good to get those stray blocks taken care of and i like both of the settings that you have here . . . i actually prefer the first one but i think if it were me i'd want to use them all up in one project . . . decisions. decisions. i'm sure you'll make the right one~!


    p.s. congrats on the great run~!

  8. What energy you have! (must get it from the run) I like the blocks on point myself. Will you tell me, what does 'slash the blocks' mean, and what are leaders/enders?
