
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

WiP/FMC - Big Blue

Seriously. 91x101", and I haven't even added the borders yet.
I'm dreading the borders - this sucker is HEAVY and pulls a lot at the machine. And all the pins are stabby (but so worth it for those perfect points. And I am not usually a pinner.) I'm very thankful this one is going to a professional for quilting.

Poor Sew Starry stayed as my Fifteen Minute Challenge quilt due to the time spent on Big Blue
I quilted one side section each on Wednesday-Friday, drew in the rest of the lines on Saturday, watched the Giants kick the Patriots' butts on Sunday (oh, is that not sewing related?), and continued quilting Monday-Tuesday.
I like the side pieces, but I'm not really sure how I want to quilt the inside of the star. I have a couple more fifteen minute sessions before I decide.

Fat Quarter Stars - 5/9 blocks - nada this week
LQS Saturday Sampler 2012 - 3/36 (caught up so far)
Quiltville Orca Bay {Skorca!} - all the Ohio Stars are assembled. Filling in the blue as Big Blue's leaders and enders.
Made in Cherry - see above :)
Swoon A Little, Swoon A Lot - nada (did I mention how BIG Big Blue is? And how time consuming BIG is?)



  1. Oooh, I didn't know you were already at the quilting stage on your made in cherry QAL project. It's looking great so far. And that blue Looks amazing.

  2. The star quilt looks amazing(but you're right thats one big sucker !)

    I love the quilting on the big star too. You've had an incredible week . Well done !

  3. Big blue is looking great, I see all kinds of secondary patterns in that quilt. Beautiful job on that one. Looks like you had a a productive week!

  4. oh your stars IS one big quilt! Yikes - for sure send it out! ;-)

  5. a beautiful, albeit large, big blue quilt~!
    you were quite productive and i admire all of your organization. i need to do a lot more of that i think.


  6. oooo Pretty Orca coming along there! And I love your Big Blue. That's going to be gorgeous when it's finished.
