
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Big Blue - Now With Big Blue Borders!

It's a good thing the Giants won the Super Bowl, because otherwise I don't think I would have come up with such a great name for this quilt.
{Yes, my yard is dead. It's winter, but it refuses to snow for pretty pictures.}
Big Blue measures a whopping 105x115" and consists of ninety 10" Hunter's Star blocks.
My sister, who commissioned this, did not take my baby nephew out of his Giants onesie for the entirety of the playoffs. Team devotion starts at an early age!
I got the borders on in a marathon session yesterday.
Due to the weight, I took it nice and slow, one block at a time, while watching the best show ever. I don't know which I love more, Firefly or the Kindle Fire.
By the way, if you have your pin bin right in front of your drink, you're guaranteed to drop at least one pin in your Coke.

I dropped Big Blue at my quilter's today and it feels so good to have that out of the way!
Minus the binding. Ugh, I have to bind that sucker when it comes back. Double ugh - that's 450" of binding.
I should probably save a couple episodes of Firefly for that session.



  1. Wish I could bind it for you. I looooooooove binding quilts!

    Looks great, Kate. The border really pulls it all together.

  2. yay! Good for you for getting those borders on!

  3. That is so pretty!! LOL on the pin advice!

  4. Beautiful!! Glad the Giants won also.

  5. Woohoo!!!! And yes! Firefly is awesome. Never should have been canceled. :/

  6. Love your hunter's star! And how many times have I done that in my coke?
    Whoop Whoop!

  7. Wow that is a huge quilt! Love the style and colors. Looking forward to seeing it all quitled. I say Firefly is the best.

  8. Wonderful. However, i would be the one to spill my pins in my coke for sure....!

  9. Wow, that is a big quilt! Congrats on finishing the top. Thanks for the heads up about the pins!

  10. Big Blue is a perfect name! That is one big quilt and a few nights worth of stitching that binding on.

  11. Gorgeous quilt!

    I don't keep my drink on the same table as the machine, I'd knock it over for sure!

  12. Congratulations on your Big Blue! What a gorgeous quilt!! Whoop whoop!!

    And I agree about Firefly -I just discovered this series and am really enjoying it!!

  13. Big Blue is BEAUTIFUL !!! I haven't experienced the pin in the drink .... yet ! I have a 100 by 100 quilt that needs binding ( the biggest one I've made so far!) and I keep putting it off ( like for 7 months or so ..... ) .

  14. Beautiful! I am in a constant state of fear of dropping a pin in my coffee.
