
Monday, February 6, 2012

Design Wall Monday - Skorca! & Hunter's Star

All the Ohio Stars are done, and I'm slowly filling in the blue.
I didn't get much done this weekend because we hosted a Super Bowl party - woo Big Blue! But now I'm avoiding all the pans that need to be washed and working on assembling the Hunter's Star and adding to Skorca!
Assembling long, long rows = super tedious. But it also means I'm almost done!

Check out more design walls at Patchwork Times, and other Orca Bays at Quiltville!


  1. Both quilt tops are looking great! Keep ignoring those dishes and get those rows together :-)

  2. oh wow - they are coming along Great!!

  3. You have two beautiful quilt tops there. I have a feeling that maybe you like blue. So do I.

  4. I recognized your Skorca immediately. I'm at Part 7 too many other irons in the fire to be done. Wish I was though have you seen Bonnie's link in on Monday of FINISHED Orca's? Maybe it will be postable still when we finish, do ya think?
