
Monday, June 9, 2014

Weekly Progress - T-Shirt Tops

Lots of good things this week! 

We hit one month since custody, and except for communication issues and frequent 5:30 am wakeups, things are going great. The Little Man and I are working out a balanced schedule, and the Dude is enjoying the playtime as long as I also make sure he gets plenty of private Minecraft time.

Yesterday was also my wedding anniversary, and in true Air Force fashion, we spent it apart. I think out of twelve, we've spent maybe three together? My husband owes me a quilting day as soon as he gets back this week...

...because I finished off two t-shirt tops!

The grid ones go together really fast. Don't be too impressed. {Also, husband is away. I haven't cleaned the kitchen in a week.}

My weekly churn dash. So happy that it's yellow month! This is an older Fig Tree print, I think. It's been in a couple quilts now.

And since I'm ahead of schedule on the t-shirts, I started on my next commission, a Tennessee Waltz. I adore when someone wants my very favorite quilt! {But that means I'll have made two and still won't have one!}

Notice the lovely stack of red/blue four-patches? Made 80 of them before I checked my design. Um, yeah, it's supposed to be the much smaller stack of blue/grey four-patches. But hey! I started the border! Or another project! Yay?



  1. The T-shirt quilts look great. Happy anniversary! Hope you get a chance to celebrate when your guy gets home.

  2. Hehe :) (the extra 4-patches - not a bad thing, actually, for a prolific quilter!) Love how the t-shirt tops turned out! You've got quite the knack for them, Kate. Sorry about the Air Force anniversary. :P 'Course, when that happens on big ones, like the 20th, you can buy yourself stuff like a ruby ring from your honey. ;D

  3. I have yet to try a t-shirt quilt, but it's on my list.
    Great that you have a quilt to make on order!

  4. Love the t-shirt quilts! Great job, and never mind about the kitchen. Can't wait to see your Tennessee Waltz! And yes, he owes you a quilting day. I have to wait until after the bar to celebrate my anniversary, so it's not just an Air Force thing. Mine might as well be gone for all that he's not home during waking hours!

  5. What neat t-shirt quilts and a happy anniversary to you!! Thanks for sharing at Linky Tuesday! Freemotion by the River

  6. Great progress on TWO t-shirt quilts. Happy Anniversary, hopefully you will be able to celebrate in person soon. Love your yellow block, such a pretty shade.

  7. Happy anniversary. Hope hubby is home soon so you can celebrate. The t-quilts are great and the yellow block is such a warm colour.

  8. I had an anniversary this week too... cheers! Pretty churn dash and your quilts look great.

  9. Great looking quilt tops. Cute little churn dash block.

  10. My goodness. You have been busy. Great looking quilt tops. Happy Anniversary : )

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