
Monday, June 16, 2014

Weekly Progress - Relentless Forward Motion

Another week, another husband no-show. Good for top finishing...not so much for the quilting. Which is a teensy bit frustrating since I have customer quilts...another downside to renting long arm time.

But, he should be back soon, so hopefully I'll be making tops into quilts this week! Until then, I'm just trying to see how many tops I can finish before he gets back. ;)

My aunt's Tennessee Waltz is done to borders. I love this pattern so much. Even though I had to fix one block twice.

Weekly Churn Dash - not sure what this was...Riley Blake maybe? Anyway, it's cute and it was in my Rainbow Chevrons.

Backings prepped for the t-shirt quilts. I did a great job matching the chevrons...and didn't even attempt to match the floral.

Since I was ahead of schedule, I pulled out Summer Drinks to see what it needed to finish up. I'm extending the HSTs into the border. Not sure if there will be a second border or if I will call it quits after this.


  1. Wow, your aunts Tenesse waltz looks amazing. I've never seen it before, but it looks super fancy...and very patriotic!

  2. That Tennessee Waltz is so striking! And boy your son grew up this year! ;-)

  3. Love that Tennessee Waltz! Looking good - here's hoping the husband gets home to you soon, or I might have to truck on up there and watch kids (and destroy your house with the five I'll have to bring with me).

  4. Awwww - look how much he matured during the year! So much taller! :D Such a pretty Tennessee Waltz top, Kate. Hope you have a hubby right away!

  5. Tennessee Waltz turned out beautifully!

    Congrats to The Dude on completing third grade. I'm sure he's more than ready to start his summer.

    Hope you get Your Guy back soon. Mine's on the road again too. Hopefully I'll get to see him for a couple of weeks before the next road trip!

  6. Such pretty projects! "Summer Drinks" looks very aptly named!!!
