
Monday, June 30, 2014

June - The Roller Coaster Month

June has been an interesting month - lots of ups and downs.

My husband was supposed to go on a short trip, but ended up shredding an engine and being stuck in Guam for nearly two weeks. {He had three other engines to land with. Clearly this was not an emergency. I like denial.}

Since this was a mere 20 days after getting home with the Little Man, I was going slightly insane by mid-month. Not to mention, no "babysitter" = no long arm rental time = delay in finishing a customer quilt.

But woo - the up! A customer quilt!

A running t-shirt quilt - and I think I did a fabulous job. ;) {My AYOLF goal.}

I also ventured cautiously into the world of branding and hired a designer to do my logo. I'm slowly working toward understanding my Facebook page and blog as a business. Don't worry - it'll take all summer.

I also finished a t-shirt quilt for Lori - just a sneak peek, full post will be Friday. With professional photographs! {Because I mailed it to her.}

Worked on a Tennessee Waltz for my aunt - the first border, an "extension" border is done. {My NewFO.}

Kept steadily cutting Ripples and Reflections. O.M.G. So much cutting! I thought I would cheat and just cut step 1, but so many of the steps overlap pieces. I need one Fabric 4, Piece B, for Step 1, then four more in Step 6, and the last three in Step 10 - or something like that. So I need to cut everything...and I really don't know how to organize it.

Put extension borders on Summer Drinks. I wasn't sure on this, but I think it's the perfect way to finish it off.

Finished the star blocks for Cardinal Charms and started piecing the rest of the quilt. I laid it out and thought about making more star blocks {six seems paltry} but I really like the 10x12 layout. So I'm sticking with it.

{And yes, the colors will be spread out. Just threw them on the design wall/floor to check layout numbers.}

Since we're halfway, here's six months of Churn Dashes. Not too many darker ones, but this month is red, so there will be some darker tones added. Overall I'm really happy with these!

Oh, and I made a skirt! A very simple maxi skirt, but I followed instructions. And my fabric wasn't stretchy in the same direction as the instructions. So my waistband had no I measured after eating pasta, so everything was just a little off. ;) I ended up sewing a casing, picking out the side seam, and putting in elastic. Little extra work but it fits fine now! And the foldover waist hides the extra stitching.

There was also school finishing and national park visiting and half marathon running and lion feeding and inappropriate dam joking. You know, summer stuff.

BOMs Away Monday @ What A Hoot
Design Wall Monday @ Patchwork Times
Linky Tuesday @ Freemotion by the River
WiP Wednesday @ Freshly Pieced
Rainbow Scrap Challenge @ SoScrappy
Scrap Basket Sunday @ Kim's Big Quilting Adventure
Fabric Frenzy Friday @ Fort Worth Fabric
A Year of Lovely Finishes
Fresh Sewing Day @ Lily's Quilts
NewFO @ Cat Patches


  1. Wow, you have a lot going on! I LOVE your Tennessee Waltz quilt, from what I could see of it in the photo. It has a great vintage feel to it, and a lot of energy with the colors you selected. I have been "meaning to" make myself some skirts for a LONG time now, and have stockpiled several fabrics and patterns, but I keep telling myself that I'll sew a skirt after I finish the NEXT quilt... :-)

  2. You are cruisin'.
    Fast-fwd kinda gal aren't you?
    It is great seeing your Churn Dash blocks all together, looking great!

  3. I especially like the churn dash blocks, but you have been insanely busy this month! Well done.

  4. Love Summer Drinks - love the quilt, love the name!

  5. Wow, you've had a busy month! I especially love the Churn Dash quilt.

  6. Beautiful projects. Great work!

  7. So much busyness right now! Hope everyone will be home again and things will settle back into routine soon. Churn dashes looking happy -- enjoy your summer fun.

  8. Lots of nice eye candy. You've been a busy gal.

  9. Love that t-shirt quilt. And really everything else. The polka dot binding was a great choice too!

  10. You had a lot going on last month. Love everything. One day I must try a t-shirt.

  11. Oh so busy you are. Hope you got a break and got some you time. Beautiful quilts.... especially Summer Drinks and the churn dashes.

  12. Great updates! I LOVE your churn dashes.

  13. You have really been busy and Summer Drinks is so neat! I'll to watch your FB to see the new changes!!

  14. You had a pretty productive month and some gorgeous projects in the works.

    Sorry about Your Guy getting stuck in Guam, that's a bit far to just hop on another plane.

  15. You sure got a lot done for a month of ups and downs! I really like your Summer Drinks quilt.
