
Monday, January 13, 2014

Weekly Progress - Tops and Stops

Well, I survived my hardest week of training in, um, probably forever. I've never done a running plan with a 12-mile long run. Longest I've ever run pre-race was just shy of 11, and that didn't include a week of heavy duty sprints and tempo runs beforehand. Ow.

But now I am tapering and foam rolling and icing and treating my legs like princesses. Princess who take Epsom salt baths instead of bubble baths, that is.

And sewing! I've done some of that, too!

Stalled out when I realized I didn't calculate my yardage right. And did I mention I bought this fabric last summer in Sun Valley? Oops. I called the store, emailed with the very nice owner and I think the right fabric is on it's way. Otherwise...

But hey - look! I got my design wall off the floor!

...and the countdown to CC pulling it down begins.

This is one of my very first fabric purchases, some eleven years ago. It was supposed to become a pillow, I think. Instead, it became a doll dress last year, and then relegated to the scrap bin.

Ever walk into a quilt store, spot the perfect border print immediately, then wander around for thirty minutes because really, the first one can't possibly be the best one?

Yeah. The first one was the best one.

Another project in the bag for long-arming!

And once Flirt was done and I hit a dead end on Road, I went back to whipping up HSTs for in between my sprints. Because I'm fun like that. Almost all the chevrons are triangled-up now.

Hmmm, I may have more tops done by the end of the month than I have time to quilt them...

And finally, Celtic Solstice has been relegated to leader/ender status. Four 54-40 blocks are done, and there's various pieces of each step scattered about the sewing room.



  1. I love your Celtic Solstice more and more every time I see it. Fun fabrics! Good luck with the supplemental fabric order - lucky it seems it was still available. :D

  2. HSTs? You are fun!

    Do you have one of those timers you could put up, sort of like the countdown to the Olympics, for your Design Wall Destruction by the cat? That might be cool.

  3. Love your CS block. You've been really busy. How do you find time (and energy) with that running going on too?

  4. Way to go on your 12 miler! Once you get up into numbers that high, adding on more miles doesn't change things as much as you would think. Miles 12 to 18 all feel the same and then it starts to get really hard. Enjoy the taper though, it is the best reward for sticking to your training schedule. Great blocks too! What a big week you have had.

  5. Mmmm I have looked at the Celtic solstice. I want to do it but not sure about just yet

  6. Way to go this week! I was a distance runner in my younger days... Those long runs feel great afterwards. Great sewing too.

  7. Road to Oklahoma is on my list of quilts to do for sentimental reasons. So glad they had more fabric. I like your other blocks too. You've been busy.

  8. Great job on the running progress. I am just trying to get outside and start walking again every morning. Arrgghh.
    Great projects you have going on. Love the little churn dash and your celtic solstice colors are great.
