
Monday, January 27, 2014

Weekly Progress - Tape(r)

Tape and taper contributed a lot to this week.

On my quilty finishes, I tried out batting tape. Usually I franken-batt with a zig zag stitch, but I wanted to try the tape to see if it was faster/better. Also because I just had to get that little triangle in place.

Verdict: eh. No faster. Feels like it's holding just as "strong." Kind of a pain to wrestle batting on the ironing board vs. through the sewing machine. {Note: I do have CC trying to claw her way up anything draped over the ironing board. YMMV.}

The taper led to an epic finish - knocking nearly ten minutes off my personal record.

And the taper also led to lots being done in the sewing room, since I was full of nervous energy and couldn't run it off.


Working on the binding!

{Those are bow ties...not butts.}
Don't even have binding for it yet. I took it to my long arm rental time as a backup, if-I-still-have-time thing. And then Flirt didn't happen, so I had time. Which makes me sad! Somehow I totally misjudged my backing for Flirt, so I couldn't quilt it. Planning on getting a new back and going back tomorrow! And maybe getting some binding for Frenzy. Eh.

Obviously I finished piecing Road to OK - that was a biggie.

After that was done, I worked on borders for Central Park Sudoku.

And a churn dash of the week - this leftover from Big Blue, my largest quilt ever, was an obvious finish for the month of dark blues.

And here's the four blues together!

{Don't mind the feet. The feet wouldn't move. Neither would CC.}
Then I pulled out another UFO, Cat Tails, pieced together the last few cats, and worked on the layout. It exceeds my design wall by a bit, but I think I have a plan worked out.


  1. I love your cat tails, I still have a cat quilt on my to do list, I love all that you're working on!

  2. Congrats on your marathon! Great medal. I don't like using the tape either, even though my iron is on the correct setting it doesn't get hot enough and not all the tape sticks. I will continue zig zagging my batting. Good job on finishing so many quilts.

  3. Hey! congrats on your time - 10 minutes off is cool. :D Such great finishing going on at your place - cheers me when I'm in a long, arduous haul that will last months without any real finishes! It's fun to see your cats out again. It looks like you've got 4 hanging into the borders? That'll be neat. Interesting to see what you guys are saying about the batting tape. Guess I'll just happily continue Frankensteining my remnants - great excuse for a show, anyway!

  4. See, now I want to run big long races so I can have medals. Time to challenge myself! I'm working towards a 10k this summer. Maybe next year, eh?

    As for your other finishes, well, you rock sister. Love the bows. Definitely not butts. You're losing your touch!

  5. Whew, I got tired just reading of all your accomplishments. Great work. And I love your cat's quilt. I really need to make one of those.

  6. Your Cat Tails quilt is amazing and a very appropriate model in the middle :)

  7. Congrats on all your speedy finishes and progress. I think that feet which don't move make for cuter pictures. ;)

  8. Wow! That's a lot of projects. I'm super impressed with all of the progress you seem to be making. And I'm glad that my cat isn't the only one that likes to sit on unfinished projects.

  9. Congrats on the marathon and you have some neat projects!! I got a kick out of the kitty on the kitty quilt! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  10. My goodness. You got a ton done! Love the cat tails. They are such good helpers in the sewing room.... Not!

  11. Glad you used your taper time to get so much done. Great looking medal! Congratulations.

  12. My goodness. You are busy. Love the cattails quilt in progress.

  13. Congrats on the personal best! If you tapered anywhere it certainly wasn't in the sewing room!
