Friday, January 17, 2014

Hearts Table Runner - Finished!

I got a little tired of not having a finish, so I...went ahead and finished something. Genius, I tell you.

I pieced this table runner mumblety-something years ago. Right before Christmas, I pulled out all the various table runners and pillows and other little things I've been avoiding quilting for no good reason, slapped them all on a big piece of muslin, and quilted away.

Quilted with loops and butts hearts.

FINALLY, this week, I cut them apart and set about binding.

I used this tutorial on single fold binding, although I cut my binding to 1.5", which is a more useful size for scraps.

I used this tutorial on binding the non-90º angles. It came out...well, it looks good from the front. Not quite on the back. But it's a table runner, so...

CC helped bind.

A lot.

Yes, she is a demon spawn who is after her pound of flesh. OW. She's lucky she's cute.

And now to get a picture of it on the kitchen table Halo battlefield? Sigh.


scraps and white Kona

I'm not sure what pattern I used, since it was mumblety-something years ago, but this one is pretty close.



  1. This really caught my eye--very pretty, and then you added the cat (my cat was up on my shoulders as I was reading), which is icing on the cake, and then....the battlefield on the table. Boy, does that bring back memories of my two sons, now 27 and 29. Thanks for a delightful post!

  2. So cute and I love the quilting you did. I probably need to borrow your kitty to help with my binding. Elly refuses to help with anythiing!.....giggle.

  3. Your table runner is very cute and I laughed out loud at your butt/heart reference. The quilting is really pretty and it is totally a heart :)
    Love your kitty too! I have two very "helpful" dogs who like to grab fabric and run around with it. They seem to get a big kick out of being my assistants!

  4. Very pretty! I have a "helper" like yours who loves to lie down on a quilt as it's getting quilted. :-)

  5. Just in time to decorate for Valentine's Day! I like your loops and flowers quilting. Congratulations on all the progress, too!

  6. I love the curly stitching. So cute :)

  7. Love the butts. Although you need to work on them a smidge. They sorta look like hearts. Total amateur hour. I can come show you how to do a proper butt sometime.

    Or maybe CC could do it. I laugh at her antics because, though she might be the spawn of Satan, she's got nothing on the destructive capability of a two-year-old princess who colors on everything and has now discovered the wonders of SCISSORS! My fabric is no longer safe!

  8. Very pretty Kate... Was there a pattern or tutorial for the hearts? They are adorable. Love your heart quilting too! Thanks much...

  9. Looks like my kitchen table only with Legos ha!

    What a pretty table runner you made!!

  10. This is adorable! Totally not butts, hehe. I just loved this post and your writing style. Thanks for sharing and linking up with TGIFF.

  11. Congrats on the finish! The table runner looks great and now you have it for Valentines Day this year.

    Love the Dude's battlefield. At the moment my living room is covered with Legos. Just warning you that even at 15 it's not much better, though they are better at keeping the small parts contained because they know how much it hurts to step on a piece.

  12. I love your humor. Nice finish. I understand the NEED. Love the Halo Battleground. Inspiration for a runner? Wouldn't your family be surprised!

  13. This is a darling runner. My boys would like the battlefield. I am constantly saying, "No Legos in the kitchen!"

  14. Hehe :) Between the kitty and the Halo, I was giggling. Know how you feel about needing a finish - gonna be a long wait for me!

  15. Love finishing those littler projects. Good for you - looks nice!

  16. This is absolutely precious. I have been wanting to find something to make for my daughter for Valentine’s Day and this is perfect. I did follow your link to the PDF and saved it. I love the ways yours turned out and know you will enjoy using it. So pretty and valentinsey. genie

  17. Wow, and you finished it just in time for Valentine's day, yep genius all the way! I love the runner it is super cute. And that little helper of yours is adorable too!

  18. Love it! I just finished my first quilt attempt, a table runner. It took me over a year because I jumped in way to deep for my first time! Oh, well. At least it's finished and on my table now.

  19. I love kitties who help. Such a good worker.

  20. Thanks for posting something Valentine-ish! It's very cute and helps inspire to do something for the holiday!
