
Monday, December 30, 2013

Weekly Progress - And a Happy New Year!

I'm continuing the trend of not much work over the holidays - while my mother-in-law polished off 4.5 pairs of flannel jammie pants at my machine. And she put all the scraps in my bins! Guess who's getting a flannel rag quilt next Christmas?

This Christmas, she got a Kindle, so I whipped together a case for her. She left a big bag of batik fat quarters and scraps here after Rainbow Sherbet, so it was pretty easy to pick out three fabrics from there and pull it together. I just cut an outside and lining to fit, with an added outside pocket for her glasses and stylus. And many layers of heavy duty interfacing.

I might buy a pack of hair elastics and replace the button-y-thing-y next time she's here...I don't love the white elastic.

And I know her initials are crooked...dang embroidery hoop slipped.

{I have got to do something about the lack of design WALL soon!}

I laid out the blocks for the baby owl quilt in a mostly-symmetrical-but-looks-random pattern. All ready to become rows sometime this week!

And I mostly kept up with Celtic Solstice. I'm worried that my yellow {an ombre stripe} is too pale in places, and now that it's against the neutral...I'm still worried. We'll see how it looks overall.

I also worked on cutting pieces for Ripples and Reflection. It will be my BOM for the year, so my goal for January is to get all the fabrics cut and organized.

Oh, and you know how I mentioned eleven projects in my NewFOs for 2014, with one spot open for whatever pops up during the year? Um, yeah... Mother-in-law and I went to Bear Paw Quilting, and I was utterly smitten by the Downton Abbey fabrics. I don't even watch the show! 

I bought this pattern, which is done up all pretty in DA fabrics, but I think I'm going to change it a smidge, and try it out on my Pat Bravo stash. Then if I'm very good...maybe I'll get some DA.



  1. I love your fabric choice for the CS, very nice colors. I am not sure about your question on the neutral versus Yellow, perhaps wait for the big reveal before making up your mind!

  2. The colors for your Celtic Quilt look great, and I like that Ombre! It can be so hard to choose colors even when you DO know the pattern for a quilt!

  3. I wouldn't fret about the crooked monogram... I thought you did it that way on purpose. :) Talk about a happy accident, I think it looks great!

  4. I don't understand. How can we be blogging buddies and you aren't a Downton fan? Glad you love the fabrics anyway. It's a start. I need to see them in person.

    In utterly impressed with all you've accomplished. Good luck figuring out a design wall. Wish I could use the ceiling, as that's the only option available to me right now.

  5. Like the Downton pattern. It would make a Great Wall hanging -- just saying . . . . . . .

  6. Like the Downton pattern. It would make a Great Wall hanging -- just saying . . . . . . .

  7. Not bad for a month filled wit family and holiday prep. The Kindle case is really cute. I like your idea of use hair ties for the closure.

  8. OK - I love the pattern you bought - have to pin that for future purchase of my own. Also love the BOM you're going to do!!
