
Monday, September 30, 2013

End of Month Report - September

Yeah, I know. There wasn't an end of month report for August. Because August sucked.

The Dude: was wait-listed at our neighborhood school. Thank God, he got in, but we didn't know for sure until a week after school started. He's settling into the school routine quickly, playing soccer with an adorably pathetic team, and found a Cub Scout den with one of his new friends.

Plus, school bus. Best.invention.ever.

He will never admit it, but he sits here every day waiting for that yellow monster to regurgitate his boy.

And then he "helps" with homework.

The cat: died in early August. And it was horrible and sad and I'm still not really over it. Tycho is very clingy, to the point of obsessiveness.

Family: the Oklahoma house closed two weeks late - but it's sold. We found a rental home in Washington fairly easily...and it's a great layout...but it was painted by color blind people. Surprisingly, all of our stuff made it through the move mostly intact.

Adoption: hurry up and wait! The week we moved in, we got a call saying we needed to update our home study ASAP. So we did, and addresses with all the various government agencies, and my fingerprints with USCIS. And now we wait again.

Wedding: nothing major other than working on the Wedding Guestbook Quilt and getting my dress altered.

Running: ugh. None at all in August. I finally started again in September and it is a very slow build up. I decided against the Spokane Half, because I'm not even close to ready, but now it means I have to keep working to stay in shape even though I'm not training for anything.

On the plus side, Spokane has an insane amount of trails, so it's been easy to get out there. I can run all the way to Idaho on a trail, completely protected from traffic. It's a nice change!

Sewing: Progress but few finishes.


Finished Tops - both September NewFOs!
{How CharmingQuilt in a Day}

{H is for Henry - Art to Heart}

Slow Progress
16/36 blocks

Rows are pieced. Now to get them all together and add borders.

So yeah, not a lot of sewing. But I'm settling into a routine now that the boxes are unpacked and almost everything is semi-organized. Plus, I learned how to long-arm quilt, so I should be cruising through my lists a little faster. I've already got rental time scheduled for later this week and two tops ready to go.



  1. So sorry to hear about your kitty.
    Congrats on all the quilt tops finished.

  2. Bless your heart, you have a lot going on. Hope things get better all the way around. Your quilts are beautiful. I don't think I could pick a favorite!

  3. Oh, I'm right with you. August sucked. Moving on. Struggling to get back up to speed when pounding pavement... and waiting waiting waiting here too. BUT, I don't have all the other crazy stuff going on! My word... Girl, you deserve a big, fat break. Hang in there!

  4. I am so sorry about your cat. They are truly members of our families.

  5. Glad that things are starting to settle into more of a routine. Moving is such a big disruption.

  6. Awww. I'm so sorry about your kitty friend. It's so hard to lose them. The photo of the homework helper is precious! Glad your boy is settling in OK. Here's to a better month for you!!

  7. So sorry about your kitty. I used to work in adoption...such an agonizing process. I hope yours moves along soon. Your projects are looking great. Hoping for a better month for you.

  8. My mind is blown at your last couple of months. You have a lot on your plate, for sure! It is good to hear that y'all are starting to settle into a routine. Hopefully, you'll be able to fit in a little time for you and your sewing machine here soon. :)

  9. I'm sorry you had such an awful August, I hope the rest of the year goes well for you.
