
Monday, June 17, 2013

Weekly Progress - Slightly Less Grouchy

I'm a bit better about my funk this week, but I'm still a little there. I'm writing this in between a break from cleaning...why does it take hours on Mondays to recover from the weekend when you really don't have that big of a place to clean? {Or any stuff to have laying around?} Sigh...

Anyway, I got a lot more sewing done this past week. Woohoo on that, at least!

Family T-Shirt Quilt - Pieced and awaiting borders

RSC - is it just me, or does yellow photograph badly?

I cut all the remaining neutral pieces for Cat Tails so that I could get more centers for the RSC, and then I was an adult and put Cat Tails away until I finish all my pending projects. Boo for being an adult.

Meanwhile, the kid is off being a kid - he was at painting camp last week and general art camp this week. I need to find a good way to display his canvases - this is serious art!



  1. Great finishes, your Tshirt quilts look great! I love the serious art too. I scanned some kiddie art works and made fabric from Spoonflower. They made great cushion covers.

  2. Love that art work on the left best:) What a great idea to keep him busy. My 5 yr old son is in VBS this week.

    You create some wonderful Tshirt quilts!

  3. I really love your raider quilt. I'm going to have to do something like that myself. what do you use to stabilize the t-shirts?

  4. I love how your tshirt quilts turned out

  5. Congrats on finishing up the Raiders quilt. Hope you are completely out of your funk and making major gains in the sewing room.

  6. Hey, the Raiders quilt looks terrific! Kudos there :D Maybe doing some of your own finger painting can help with the funk? ;D
