
Monday, June 24, 2013

Weekly Progress - Deadline Sewing

It's crunch time here. I have four quilts due by the end of Fourth of July weekend...and an open house in between. Oh, and we're supposed to buy a car before we leave. And plan my sister's shower. And find a place to live in Washington? Nah, that can wait...

Luckily, one is almost done!

This family t-shirt quilt is to the binding stage, and the binding is ready to go, so it should be done by the end of today. Whew.

I got the backing for #2 {and #3}, so that's up next on the quilting. Yes, we love minkee around here.

Meanwhile, I'm cutting out the 40 shirts for #4.

#3 is still on the design wall, still only 5 out of 12 blocks.

And there's been lots of progress on the RSC! Finished off two yellow blocks only to realize I never cut more. So I started some orange as leaders/enders. And then I finished cleaning up my dark blue {and some teal} scrap bin and cut those pieces. I may actually catch up by the end of the month!



  1. I would say that your plate is full. Sounds like you have a plan. Hang in there.

  2. WOW, sounds like you have a lot on your list. I hope you can get at least some of it done in time.

  3. Lots going on at your place. Good luck with all your sewing deadlines. Hope the other stuff just falls into place.

  4. You are one busy lady. Looks like you have it all under control. Good luck on finishing your quilts by the deadline.

  5. oh my gosh that's quite a deadline!! Good luck with all that!

  6. Just reading your schedule/commitments makes me tired. Good luck meeting your goals.

  7. I thought I had a lot going on. Good luck meeting your goals. I'm rooting for you.

  8. Love the work you are doing on the tshirt quilts!!
