
Sunday, March 31, 2013

End of Month Report - March

Oh, March. You were...a month.

And I'm starting to panic about our pending move. Quilters who have sold their homes - what did you do while the house was on the market? Keep just a few piecing projects around? Quilt through a pile of tops? I'm losing my sewing room {will get to keep a table in the office} and definitely losing my cutting table. 

And obviously I have to keep things picked up, so my sewing table can't look like it looks now!

Adoption: as far as we know, the time in country is back to normal, which is a huge sigh of relief. There was a possibility we'd have to spend 2-4+ weeks there, which is a bit harder with an older kid who should really not miss that much school. Now it's back to the week. Hopefully.

Running: two half marathons down! And I am officially a Half Fanatic. My times weren't quite where I wanted them {even though one was a PR.} But hey - I've got two more before the end of May to get the time I want.

Sewing: in March, I planned to...

Keep up with Cat Tails - I'm a couple blocks behind due to Spring Break, but I'll catch up in April.

Quilt Star Wall Hanging, Frolicking Pinwheels, and Skorca. Haha, no. I didn't quilt anything in March.

Make a new Creeper pillow. The Dude changed his mind and it's a Zombie pillow.

Make seven out of fourteen Boardwalk blocks. I made four. BUT - I have an excuse. I can't, for the life of me, figure out how I cut five blocks out of one pink fat quarter. I need five from the remaining teals, so I need to figure that out first! {Or buy additional fabric.}

 Also worked on...

{Some day I'll be a nine patch just like the big kids!}
Turning Flirt strip sets into blocks.

{RSC} orange - not something I have a lot of, but I've got all the blocks cut and ready as leaders/enders.

{NewFO} I should have done one from my list, but my sister ordered a baby quilt for a friend, so I'm counting that and not unrolling a jelly roll... It's basted and on it's way to being done this week. 

 So, plans for next month...

1. Get the house ready to go on the market. Wait, that's not very glamorous. Or sewing-related...other than the complete removal of my sewing stuff.

2. Finish the Cat Tails top and the Saturday Sampler top - which really means, get down to the store for more black!

3. My commissioned project for the month, a fireman t-shirt quilt.

4. Boardwalk...get those last blocks done!



  1. Wow, great progress! Question: when you make quilts for others, how do you price them? I've been asked a couple of times, but I'm not sure what to ask.

  2. Yes, I have the same question!
    Love your blog by the way!

  3. I'm moving in the fall and trying to finish up as many quilting projects as possible and just leave out a quilt I have been hand quilting for a year, to leave out.

  4. Looking good! This is a great group of projects. Thanks for linking up.

  5. Lots of great projects... I personally stick to one big project at a time, with a couple of BOMs tossed in. So its easy to clean up the project I am working on and put them in a drawer or tub if company is coming over... I am one of those people who can't work when things are messy, like I have to do clean the kitchen before I can cook if it isn't already clean... So generally my sewing area stays clean, unless I am cutting fabric or right in the middle of something big.
    Hope you can work out something that allows you to still work on things, but keep it neat as well. Best of luck.

  6. You made progress on some key projects. At work we call them stretch goals, you aren't supposed to get them all done.

    We put our house on the market the week before we had to report for our new jobs, so we weren't living there when it was being shown. But I would think if you leave things neatly arranged when you finish up for the night, you could have one ongoing project laid out on the desk. Most sane people know that a lived in house is going to look that way when they view it.

  7. It sounds like Missy Shay has the right idea, leave out a quilt that you are doing hand quilting on. Another thing that you can do that takes up very little room and can be stashed in a hurry are Hexies. It sure seems like you are a very busy lady! Good luck to you.

  8. Great orange blocks, We have a new colour now. Listing your home, I would keep sewing. Just keep the piles small. I know I move most stuff from our house before we listed. I keep three or four current projects around, and tried to keep them in boxes or just a small pile near the sewing machine. Good Luck.

  9. Love the Boardwalk Blocks. I may need to add that one to my "to do" list!

  10. As a quilter it would not be fun to have to always keep your sewing room picked up but you got to do what you got to do. Good luck with it all.

  11. Personally, I hate staged homes. I want to see a house that looks lived in, not a display model. Any quilter who walks through your home might just buy it on the basis of how workable your quilting space is! Just my two-cents. Best wishes on keeping up with everything!

  12. I've lived in houses that were for sale...I tried keeping it clean enough that with a small warning I could pick up whatever I was working on and have it look neat. It's a difficult balancing act...good luck!

  13. I'm reading posts backwards so am just seeing about your cat...So sorry.
    Talk about added stress! good luck with the packing etc.
