
Monday, February 4, 2013

Weekly Progress - Super Bowl Style

Or lazy Super Bowl style. Didn't care about the teams this year, so we put very little effort into the food {more free time!}, went to a party at someone else's house {no cleaning!} and I spent half the game hand-stitching my hanging sleeve on Two of Hearts.

Oh, and I pulled together a giveaway. You might want to check it out. You know, if you like free stuff.

{Finished} The Olivia Schnibble - went with fast quilting and completed it in less than an afternoon.

{BOM} Finished the last three for Saturday Sampler!

{Design Wall} And here they all are! I need 16 on point, so I'm starting by picking one from each colorway. I also worked on the math for the setting during the Super Bowl.

{Starburst Quilt Along} Laid out my block to start sewing...hmmm... I appear to have miscalculated something.

{Triple Zip Along} Bought my three zippers. Still being a complete chicken about putting it together.

{Cat Tails} Sorted out the colors I have and counted. I had to cut out one more red block, but this will leave me with eight blocks to make and 13 total.

{Boardwalk} I decided to use the remaining pink fat quarters for the setting triangles, so I cut those and used the leftovers to prep a couple blocks.

{Fifteen Minute Challenge/Rainbow Scrap Challenge} I slacked off in the beginning of the week, but when the RSC turned purple, I grabbed the box and got to sorting. Friday/Saturday was sorting, Sunday I cut the pieces for the RSC. All ready to be leaders/enders this month!


  1. Love those pinks! And don't you just love figuring the math? ;D

  2. Love the way some blocks are straight and some are on point!

  3. HI Katie, Loving the starburst block, sorry there were a few holes. Just FYI, I am taking your link off because those doing 1 block need to link up next week so that you will be eligible for the grand prize :)

  4. Love your Saturday Sampler blocks! You had a really great week!

  5. Sewing a sleeve onto the back of quilts are one of the least favorite things for me to do. Can I bring my quilts to you to sew on the sleeves? XX Kathleen

  6. Looks like you've been very productive. I was thinking of doing the triple zip too. But I'm only in the thinking stage.

  7. All sorts of good work going on. Looks like lots of fun colors in your house right now. Love the imagine story -- too cute.

  8. Love your pink and purple fabrics : )

  9. My goodness! You have a lot going on in your sewing room. That Olivia quilt is so cute. Lots of great projects in progress. I tend to avoid zippers too - a half finished bag and a never started knitting needle case!

  10. I can't believe how much sewing you always get done!! I love all your projects. :)

  11. Kate this all seems so organized, I'm impressed. Came visiting from Rainbow Scrap Challenge.
