
Monday, October 22, 2012

Weekly Progress - On UFOs

I have not started anything really new in ages. But I need to get somewhere with all these projects before I can start something new!

T-shirt quilts are not very creative. But they force me to be very precise in piecing. And they pay for more creative quilts.

Design Wall - LQS Saturday Sampler 2011
I'm working on this because I have to - it has a date with the long arm and needs to be in a box by Christmas. But all that white space and the simple layout makes the blocks pop.

Grandmother's Choice, block six. I like this one. I don't like #7, and I really don't like #8. But this is a BOW about choice. So...I'm going to do the blocks I like, and appreciate the work the designer put into each week even if I don't make the block.

 Fat Quarter Stars - I made two 12" blocks - Weather Vane and LeMoyne Star - from my shop hop collection. Then I figured that if I was going to get my sister's block book back to her, I should start doing those. So, my first 9" block - Air Castle.
Technically, Weather Vane and Air Castle aren't stars, but they are kind of star-like.

UFO Busting
 Oh, Skorca! I mowed the backyard on Sunday to put off quilting this about a bad sign. I think I need something different than one UFO day a week - because I will come up with a hundred excuses to not sew that day! This week, I'm going to try quilting for an hour each day. That should, hopefully, take care of Skorca, and then maybe I can move on. 

Fifteen Minute Challenge - Organization
 I only folded fabric once in the past week. The cutting table? Covered. The sewing table? Piles on the corners. Felt boxes are on the floor from a kid craft project, I have a giant basket of t-shirt scraps... I need to DO my 15 minutes this week!

Oh, and my other deadline project. Crazy as the idea was, this is actually coming along nicely. The base of the costume is done - now I'm adding the layers. 



  1. Love how the costume's coming out. and the LQS sampler is going to be wonderful - look at all that terrific quilting space around the blocks!

  2. What an array of projects you have going! Is Skorca like quiltvilles orca bay? If so...I still have that to quilt plus the mystery before that one! Talk about UFOs!

    I love those FQ stars. They look like fun.

  3. You've been busy. I like your thought on the Grandmother's Choice blocks. I'm not going to make all of them either, some types of piecing just don't work in my schedule at the moment. Good luck finding your 15 minutes to fold this next week.

  4. so many beautiful projects. you are doing great~!


  5. I so understand finding other things to do when you are not inspired to finish a project. My current resolution is to quilt at least one pass each day and that worked for my last quilt. Knowing I only had to do one pass let me get that done and then I could move on to things I enjoyed more. And my quilt is quilted and ready for the binding, which is all ready ready! Keep going.

  6. Wow! you are busy! Lots of great projects too! I understand putting off quilting - I go into the sewing room and fold fabric, reorganize quilt books, anything but actually working on something. But you are wise to do a little each day - good going!

  7. Looks like lots of sewing was happening at your place.
