
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Craft Book Month - Rainbow Sherbet Top

I know - insane - three posts from me in 24 hours! I swear, I'm done for the week after this one.

So Craft Buds hosted a Craft Book Project blog hop this month, ending with a personal project link-up.

I don't actually own a lot of craft books - that's my entire collection, right there.

 But this one made me squeal with delight when I found out about it. {Look! It's signed! Okay, so she signed all the pre-orders.}

I knew exactly which one I wanted to make first, too. I made my first version of Raspberry Dessert back in April. Since I couldn't get my hands on the magazine it was originally published in, I drafted it myself and didn't attempt the on-point setting.

My mother-in-law hired me to make a wall hanging for her entryway, and she very quickly settled on Raspberry Dessert. {This is why I married her son. She has great taste!}

{I tried to get a less sun-dappled shot this morning, but the weather is not cooperating.}

It goes together so much faster when you have the pattern!

I borrowed the rainbow idea from Sew Many Quilts, part of the Scrap Squad from the original magazine pattern. After some debate, my mother-in-law chose a grey marble to go with it - I think it blends better than the black. Plus, it's the grey clouds between the rainbow!

The only complaint I have - and it's not a complaint about this book, just craft books in general - is that I wish it came with templates to copy and color. The original plan was to eliminate the grey and kind of blend the colors across the quilt, but as I colored, I discovered this wouldn't work. Would have been nice if I didn't have to draw the pattern before busting out the crayons.

And now this is on the to-be-quilted pile, but hopefully will not stay there long. I want to see it up on the wall!



  1. Isn't one of those craft books actually mine?

    ~Your Sister

  2. The quit turned out amazing - I love the spin you took. ever notice how many quilts are named desserts?

  3. Thats because all quilts are YUMMY!

  4. This is beautiful. Your mother-in-law is very lucky!

  5. Hope you can make it to a meeting sometime! I'd love to see this lovely quilt in person!!!

    OKCMQG Member

  6. Good for you to draft the pattern! I like this pattern and I think you did a fantastic job on it. I wish there were patterns in the backs of books to color too:)

  7. Beautiful! I love the rainbow effect. Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

  8. That is gorgeous. Yummy even! Love it!

  9. Absolutely gorgeous quilt top! Just beautiful!

  10. Just lovely - designing on paper is a must with a color flow quilt and you did a delightful job.

  11. I just had to comment that I loved the very first comment by your sister.

    The quilt is beautiful.

  12. Love it - and you better fight for your (?) book!

  13. Ooh, templates to colour in - brilliant idea!! I love the quilt - the grey marble is perfect!

  14. I love the color and the composition of this quilt. I had to look up what a "raspberry dessert" quilt was, and I have to say, this really strikes me as an improvement on the original! The rainbow gives a great sense of direction and motion (on both diagonals) and the log-cabin effect of the fabric(s?) you chose makes the quilt look a lot more free-form and colorful. It's fun to see such a simple idea come to life so vibrantly.

    -Robin (here via FYFF)

  15. I really like this quilt...great job!

  16. This turned out really great! I haven't even looked through this book. I might need to pick it up sometime. I'm sure there are some great quilts in there.

  17. Beautifully done! Love the rainbow colors with the gray, it's really stunning.
