
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

100 Day Hustle / Finish Along Final Quarter

Kelsey Sews is joining the ranks of the UFO busters by hosting a 100 Day Hustle - as in, there's 100 days left in 2012 to finish projects!

Which I really didn't need to know.

But since I now know...
{Thanks a lot!}

 Each one of these is a UFO in the block stage.

But they're not really the problem.

This is.

Every single hanger is a finished flimsy that needs to be quilted. Plus there's three basted and partially quilted. Plus there's a couple more on a chair on the other side of the sewing room.

It's starting to be a problem, because although right now it's nice enough to run outside, soon I'm going to want my treadmill to NOT be a quilt hanger!

Plus, 2013 is going to be pretty busy, what with my husband coming back from deployment...our son coming from Korea...and then moving...all by the summer. {No, we don't know where. And we won't find out till January-ish.}

So I'd really like to clear out all half some of these flimsies by the end of the year.

The list {tops awaiting quilting has some pictures, but hasn't been updated recently}:
Frolicking Pinwheels
Swoon a Little, Swoon a Lot
Striped HST Quilt - finished 10/28
PEO Wallhanging - finished 10/14

OMG, y'all. That's 18 flimsies. How did I let it get this bad? Ack! Okay, I'm not focusing on the number. I'm just going to work through the list as best as I can. And if I haven't completed a quilt every.single.week - yell at me.

And really, really - don't let me quilt it and not bind it!



  1. oh dear - you do have your work cut out for you, dont' you?! Good luck - truly!!

  2. Yikes!! That's a lot to quilt! You can do it!! Thanks for joining in :)

  3. LOL... I have basically the same picture on my blog of my flimsies on hangers! My goal is 6 for the "Hustle" but I have many more than that.

  4. Do you hand quilt them? Your list is a comfort to me. My DIL was dismayed to find I have six hanging in my closet to quilt. I am starting tomorrow! But....I have a mid-arm. No real excuse for not doing them! Good luck and I will be thinking of you.

  5. if it's any comfort, i think they're pretty even while hanging in your closet patiently waiting their turn.
    i find binding an easier thing to do in the evenings once the house is a bit quieter . . . you don't have to think much and can even watch a little t.v. while hand stitching.

    that 100 days thing is disturbing . . . ~!!~


  6. You've made a lot of progress since this post!

  7. Oh may your stitching go smoothly, I know how it feels to count them up and ask yourself WHAT????? but HOW????? Oh crapola! My list is over 50 items long, if it makes you feel any better. Here is to both of us being over achievers this quarter, cheer, cheer!
