
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

WiP/FMC - Forward Progress

When you stay home all week, you actually get stuff done! Surprising, I know. My house is pretty clean, too. And I'm caught up on paperwork.

I opened the charm packs I won for being awesome at the FMC, and divvied them up between boy/girl/maybe either.
 Vetted my decisions with the Dude. "What's wrong with the flowers? Flowers aren't 'girl.' I like flowers. And the vines are alien arms." Boys...
Anyway, once I figure out the proper number needed, these will be hotel-kitted-up with the white for reverse bowties.
I also finished the toy-border-four-patch-pinwheel kit, and started pulling tops and backing in preparation for packing.

That's right - plural!

I pulled them both out of the dryer last night, so they need better pictures {and not in the dim morning light} before getting blogged.

Made the top of my husband's offensive t-shirt quilt.

Fat Quarter Stars - 6/12 blocks - none - I should really toss this into the packing box.
LQS Saturday Sampler 2012 - 12/36
 LQS Saturday Sampler 2011 - still working away at the center
Swoon A Little, Swoon A Lot - sneak peek! All three rows are assembled, the vertical sashing is pieced and pinned to the other two rows, and the border fabric is ironed and awaiting final measurements.
My Precious Quilt Along - I unrolled my honey bun! And nothing horrible happened!
My original plan was to do a log cabin - after all, they're 1.5" strips. But after examining the fabrics, there wasn't enough neutral and contrast - I could only get 16 blocks, and that was with using stripes that were barely neutral. That left ten lonely strips!
So I decided on this elongated box thing. Two strips yield two blocks, alternating where the contrast goes. They're all cut and sorted for easy leaders/enders. 

Untouched This Week:
St. Paul's Cross 

Awaiting Binding:
Big Blue - the status of this is apparently making my sister nervous. So I cut the 450" of binding. It will probably take me a week to press it, anyway.

Application Submitted - 2/12 
Home Study - in progress
USCIS paperwork - in progress

New Projects: 2
Completed Projects: 2
In Progress: 9

Life in Pieces' Fifteen Minute Challenge


  1. Love that baby girl quilt...darling!

  2. your two finishes are both wonderful~!!

    i too had to laugh at the t-shirt.

    you continue to amaze me with your organization and fabulous progress on so many fronts~!


  3. What nice finishes! Congrats! And keeping a close eye on that swoon progress!

  4. Congrats on the finishes, love both of those quilts. The T-shirt quilt looks like it's going to be fun. Looking forward to seeing what you make out of the charm squares. Looks like you had a good week.
