
Monday, May 7, 2012

DWM - Saturday Sampler

Not much of a change from last week...
I did piece the little side pieces with the cream...but... Mother is bigger than Sister, which means the whole thing is going to be slightly off-center, and the little side piece between Sister and Daughter just doesn't fit. Ugh.
In order to make the center bigger {and centered!}, I'll have to sash the blocks. Which means ordering the cream. Which, since this is last year's BOM...not so easy to find.
Luckily I have a nice long plane ride to a wedding this weekend, so I plan on using that time to come up with a comprehensive plan so that I can order the proper amount of fabric.



  1. It looks fabulous. I don't see it being off center.

  2. Doesn't it just drive you crazy when that little bit throws off the whole plan? I know you'll be able to work this out, the overall design is so nice it will be worth it.

  3. Do you have any more of the lightest purple from the center? You could use that for a border around the center section, below the words before your beautiful pieced blocks. The strips of purple could center the center section and you'd hardly recognize that you have more under sister than mother. The purple would push more focus to the center section too. It might be a good color for the binding too. Not sure I understand enough about the problem between sister and daughter. Sandi

  4. I don't notice it being off center either. The thought about using the purple sounds like it might work well. Enjoy your long plane ride, hope you work out a solution. I always try to tell myself when I have to do something like that, it just makes the quilt more mine.

  5. So pretty and sometimes is all about the illusion of it all being square, :). I have many off centered quilts but they don't look that way. wait, I am a bit off centered. So pretty and I hope your plan comes together!

  6. It looks so nice, I can't seem to see it off centered.Nevertheless you'll do as you see fit. It will be a wonderful quilt either way.

  7. oh bother than you have to about a contrasting frame for the blocks? Or kwiltnhats idea sounds like an option to consider. And remember, some of those extra little piecing details can 'disappear' once quilted...good luck!
