
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday Stash Report - Week 7

A couple great finishes this week!
First, Big Blue got finished - at least, the top did, and I don't have to think about it until it's back from the quilter's.
Since it was a commissioned quilt, I didn't count the fabric in until it was done. Which, had I known it would have taken me until 2012, I totally would have counted it back in 2011.
Of the 15.5 yards ordered, there's two yards left of the white floral for pillowcases, just enough of the dark blue for pillowcase trim, and no Kona. Plus I used 2/3rds of a yard of last week's Kona purchase.

I also got this month's Saturday Sampler blocks.

And we have a Pinewood Derby winner!
The design is his, as is the paint/sticker scheme. (I tried to tell him green and red/white/blue doesn't go, and got a "Mooooooom, this is MY car.")
At the weigh-in, he was exactly two quarters short of five ounces, so Mom bought him the win. :D
Go green!

Used this Week: 13.66
Used Year to Date: 17.91
Added this Week: 15.75
Added Year to Date: 34
Net Used for 2012: (16.09) yards

Check out more reports at Patchwork Times!


  1. In a scrap quilt, those colors go together so he was right!

  2. Big Blue looks great. Congrats to your son on his win!

  3. Congrats to the Ponewood Derby Winner! Very cool.

    Big plus in the used column for you, so congrats on that. Big Blue turned out so beautiful.
