
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

WiP/FMC - Not Very Much Progress

Very little progress on my Fifteen Minute Challenge, especially. I moved the blocks around a couple times, and that's about it. Saturday-Monday I didn't even sew, since I was in Texas. My husband and I talked a lot about future plans on the car ride, including my sewing, so does that count?

A friend asked to see it with and without sashing. Any one have opinions?

Hunter's Star, round two - 78/90 dark half-blocks - and 50/90 blocks -one more strip of the dark blues and I'm done! With, you know, the initial piecing.
 i *heart* this wallhanging - started and finished last week!

Fat Quarter Stars - 3/9 blocks - #3 finished this week
LQS Saturday Sampler 2012 - 3/36 (caught up so far)
LQS Saturday Sampler 2011 - 10/12 blocks
Quiltville Orca Bay {Skorca!} - the wall hasn't changed since Monday, but I made a huge pile of the QSTs needed for the Ohio Stars.


  1. You have some wonderful projects going on. And talking about future quilting plans with the hubby totally counts! :)

  2. You projects are great...nice and colourful

  3. You have some great projects going on. I got behind on the Fat Quarter Stars too. Just too much holiday stuff and not enough sewing.

  4. great pinwheels, and it sounds like great discussion!

  5. Your strippy pinwheels are adorable!
