
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday Stash Report - Week 47

This week's finishes are all pink! I'm so thankful for a niece and friends with daughters.
Ballet slipper bags, with tutus
Pink burp rags
 Doll dress, modeled by my Cabbage Patch doll, Dorothy Kathryn. It's actually for an American Girl and not quite finished - I need to gather the waist a little more and hem it. But DK won't fit in it once the waist is gathered. Her poor arms barely fit as is.
Used this Week: 1.21
Used Year to Date: 118.66
Added this Week: 0.5
Added Year to Date: 156.45
Net Used for 2011: (37.79) yards

Check out how everyone else is doing on Patchwork Times!


  1. Looks like you have some Christmas gifts all ready (or almost)

  2. I'm gearing up for doll clothes too. DD2 is making Cabbage Patch and I get to do Barbie. I miss making doll clothes.
