
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Steelers Quilt - Finished!

Um, finally!
{My husband mumbles something about football season starting months ago.}
The design is my own, for the Xs and Os in a playbook. Also, hugs and kisses - but don't tell my husband that.
The yellow is The Name Game by Quilt Country (Moda), the black is Kona, and the Steelers fabric is...Steelers fabric.
 It's backed in yellow minkee, and you can see a bit of the quilting. I outlined the Os, did three parallel lines through the Xs, cross-hatched the black border and did three straight lines with a cross in the yellow border.
Some of the quilting from the front.
All of the little HSTs in the second border are leftover double-stitched from the blocks. I still have a little pile of them to make a matching throw pillow. Lucky, lucky me.
It measures 53x63".
My husband is hoping it will get a lot of use in playoff season.


  1. Very cool! Congrats on the great finish!

  2. Oh my hubby likes the Steelers as well and would love this quilt!!

  3. That is so awesome! As a Steelers fan and former Pittsburgh resident I applaud you! Really great job.

  4. What a great quilt. I am sure your husband will enjoy the quilt. Whoop! Whoop!

  5. Kind of giggling over the "x's and o's"...him thinking it represents the playbook and you thinking hugs and kisses. Cute! Though don't tell him I called his quilt "cute". :)

  6. Fun quilt! I should search for some sports fabric for one for my hubby :)

  7. I'm originally from the Pittsburgh area. Wow, my dad would have loved this quilt.

  8. Everyone in Pgh would love this quilt! Nice X & O design! :)

  9. Ooh, love it! I wanna make this, but with a different team. My daughter likes the Packers ;)

  10. Great quilt! Would you be willing to share your design so that I can have someone make a similar quilt. I am also open to suggestions.
