
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fifteen Minute Challenge - Week 10

The Halloween Edition!
I devoted most of my 15 minutes each day to this dress.
Tuesday - hemmed skirt, added tulle
Wednesday - ruffled skirt top, added trim
Thursday - sewed sleeves
Friday - added hourglass to spider costume
Saturday - bodice trim and thread clipping
Sunday - re-strung spider legs together
Monday -pressed & cut out Grinch motifs
It was nice knowing I only had to devote 15 minutes to the dress each day - it kept me from being frustrated with the ruffler before I got to easing the sleeves.
And can I just say that four layers of tulle makes any ordinary dress awesome?
The dress was for a friend's daughter, as Shirley Temple from Stand Up and Cheer. The pattern is a 1961 Simplicity dress - sometimes the thrift store really rocks with their pattern selection.
Friday and Sunday, I repaired this costume. It's thirty years old - my mom saved it from when my older sister was a spider. The Dude didn't want to be any old black spider, though, so I had to add the hourglass on the back. Without screaming while Googling pictures of black widows.

And now that Halloween is over, the Christmas sewing begins!

Check out how others are managing their time at Life in Pieces!
{And also other fabric projects at Fabric Tuesday, and more costumes at Make It, Wear It Thursday.}


  1. Love the dress! It reminds me of the ones my mom used to make for me as a child - minus the tulle.

  2. Beautiful dress. Old patterns can be really fun. Love the black widow update. I hope you got awesome Mom points from your son.
