
Monday, October 31, 2011

Design Wall Monday - Week 44

Not Swoon! No, it's not done - it's just too big. It will end up getting laid out on the living room floor.
Not that this one is any much smaller.
Lots of offset seams and bias edges, but it's going together faster than I thought it would. Which is good - I need something fairly simple to keep me sane in between Swoon blocks.

In unrelated news, it's my Blogiversary! Halloween is my favorite holiday, so it was a fitting day to start. I kicked it off last year with a picture of the Dude as a shiny turquoise dinosaur. This year his costume is just as shiny, but a little more subdued.
More on that tomorrow.

Check out more design walls at Patchwork Times!


  1. Love your argyle! Enjoy the day with your little one! Ah, and CONGRATS on one year!!

  2. You are so brave to be sewing with diamonds. it looks great.
