
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Work in Progress Wednesday - Week 21

Been working on several little things here and there, in between quilting the Christmas Kaleidoscope.
 I'm quilting double lines just off ditch. So far I've finished the horizontal and I'm going to finish the vertical today. It's going to be pretty cool in the middle there with all the lines crossing.

I picked out a hummingbird to applique on Charming Wildflowers. I'm going to use the same green for the wings and different pinks/reds for the throat.

Speaking of pinks and reds, I'm making doll blankets for my neighbor's kids. We've been friends through two assignments - the Dude and their oldest daughter were in baby swim class in Washington together five years ago! But they're going to the Guard and moving in a couple weeks, so I'm adding borders to these little blocks I made with the scraps of my Bad Romance quilt.

And I started a chunky log cabin. I have one more blue I'm considering adding, along with the red from the center.

Untouched This Week:
Awaiting Quilting:

In Planning:
Cars Quilt (the Dude)
Hunter's Star (my sister)

New Projects: 1
Completed Projects: 0
In Progress: 12

Check out more at Work in Progress Wednesday!


  1. Love the quilting on your kaleidoscope!! I'm thinking about how to do mine, and that looks like a great plan!

  2. Your Kaleidoscope quilt is going to be awesome. I love that sort of quilting, it always seems to turn out so great and it looks great too. Love that Hummingbird your doing, I really like Hummingbirds anyway and it will be neat to see how it turns out. I know in the military life it is difficult to have long friendships and the doll quilts is such a nice thing to do for your good friends, they will always think of you because of them. Love the chunky log cabin.

  3. A Christmas Kaleidoscope - how wonderful! Love how you are quilting....

  4. Yeah, I like how the centers get with converging angles like that in quilting.

  5. I like the kaleidoscope quilting and the hummingbird is adorable!
