
Monday, August 1, 2011

Design Wall Monday - Week 31

I made a couple of log cabin blocks to check colors and placement, so it can become a leader/ender project.
These are the first five blocks, laid out in the start of a barn raising. I have another blue - the gingham in the picture below - I could use (and reuse the red from the center), but I think it might be too light for the blue side.
The blue to the left will be used as a border since the print is too large, even with chunky 2" logs.

And now I really need to stop playing with them and get back to quilting the Christmas Kaleidoscope.

Check out more design walls at Patchwork Times!


  1. Looks great and it makes a leader/ender project.

  2. I like the fabrics, especially the one you will be using for a border. Very nice.
