
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Work in Progress Wednesday - Week 6

Second purse, same as the first - a little bit smaller and a little bit...well, mostly just smaller.
I was able to trim it down to 16x12 - a much more purse-like size. The bottom isn't as deep, but it should still work fine for the magazines and papers the recipient carries. Now I just need to add the detailing and straps and get it all together.

Planes, Stripes and Automo-dots

Hunter's Star: (new) seven blocks are completely together. Fifteen half-blocks with prints are done; three half-blocks with pink are done. Countless others in various stages. A LOT of math in this one.

Steelers Quilt: four blocks completely pieced. Two and a half partially pieced. Ran out of black Kona.

LQS Saturday Sampler: Almost done with March's block. Must remember to post March & February on Saturday!

Come Sail Away Quilt: it's back from the quilter and looking great! Just need to sew on the binding - I'm splitting it between the dark blue of the water and light blue of the sky, so it will be a little more complicated to line things up, but hopefully not that bad. 

Untouched This Week:
iSpy Sliced Coin Quilt Along
Layer Cake Quilt Along 

Awaiting Quilting: Bad Romance

In Planning:
Rudolph Quilt (the Dude)
Frolic Jelly Roll Sampler (me!)
Hunter's Star (my sister)

Second Snow White commissioned.
Knitting bag and pattern holder for my sister. Fabric should arrive this week.

This Week's Stats:
New Projects: 1
Completed Projects: 1
In Progress: 13

Check out more at Freshly Pieced!


  1. That steeler's quilt is going to be so fun.

  2. Where did you get the Steelers fabric? My dad keeps nagging me to make him a quilt and that would be PERFECT for him.
