
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Layer Cake Quilt Along - Blocks Six, Eleven & Twelve

I'm finished/caught up on the Layer Cake Quilt Along. And... I don't think I like this kind of "sampler" quilt along. I just didn't like not knowing what I'd need in future blocks, like a stronger green for the flower bud. 
Overall, I think my quilt isn't very cohesive (versus, say a pinwheel sampler or a Civil War sampler.) 
All just personal preference, of course. Lots of the LCQAs in the Flickr group look great.

Anyway, my last three blocks.
Totally changed.

Changed layout slightly.

Totally unchanged.

I'm doing a simple cornerstone sashing instead of the stars, so I should be done with the top this week.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure I like the LCQA format either. My layer cake had a lot of busy fabrics and they didn't always work well if I used more than two or three in a block. But the layer cake is almost gone which is why I did the the quilt along,so I suppose that's good.

    I ended up changing the layout of block 11 too, I just didn't like how busy the orginal block was. Good luck getting yours all together this week.
